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Elle sat in a cheerless silence with her head in her knees only for her amber eyes to immediately brighten upon seeing one of her big sisters approaching up ahead.

Ty Lee walked awkwardly on her good leg with her disconcerted eyes gazing at her feet.

It was only when she heard a familiar joyful cry that she glanced up while making her best effort to offer her little sister a reassuring smile.

Somehow even after just witnessing such a horrible sight.

Just being in Elle's presence was enough to ease her worries.

"Oneesan! You're back!" Elle cried out happily with Nako gazing at her oddly while Ty Lee made her way over.

"Yep! I told you I would be back before you knew it!" Ty Lee exclaimed with a hand on her hip just as she came to a stop above seated girl.

"Are you alright? You look sad." Elle questioned with a look of concern in her eyes while Ty Lee gazed down at her in surprise.

" fine, Elle. It has just been a stressful day. That's all. But thank you for asking." Ty Lee sighed before plopping down on her bottom beside her adopted sister.

"Would a hug help?" Elle pondered adorably with a finger on her lip only to find herself being pulled into a strong bear hug just as soon as she voiced those words.

"It would." Ty Lee answered gently with her arms wrapping around Elle's smaller frame while the handmaid pressed her cheek into her chest once more.

Elle smiled bashfully with her arm wrapping around the older girl's bicep while soldiers continued to move what was left of the supplies into small portable crates.

And somehow Ty Lee managed to smile once more.

She couldn't remove the image of what she saw from her mind.

But thanks to Elle she was able to slowly calm her nerves.

And that was enough for her.

"You didn't vomit...I guess I just have a weak stomach. I've never been able to stomach the sight of blood. Much less...that." Nako commented with a sigh while Ty Lee turned to gaze at her in understanding.

"When you spend enough time around Azula. You get used to the sight of violence." Ty Lee stated only to flinch post haste when the other woman seemed to adopt a fearful look of her friend once more.

"Ah...well I can only hope I can manage to stay on good terms with Her Highness." Nako trailed off with a nervous expression while she gazed out into the distance.

"Try not to worry too much about it. Azula seems to have taken a liking to you. She wouldn't have asked for your name if she didn't." Ty Lee advised with what she hoped was a reassuring expression while Nako brightened after hearing those words.

"That is good to know...I need my pay for my home village." Nako spoke in a softer voice while the other woman gazed at her with a sympathetic look in her eyes.

Ty Lee turned away with a frown on her lips while recalling the woman that begged Azula for coin in that harbor village.

It was becoming evident that there were food shortages in the poorer parts of the Fire Nation and it didn't appear as if Ozai was doing much to resolve it.

Perhaps there was a way she could persuade Azula to put more consideration into the people's plight?

One could only hope.

Moments later she was torn from her thoughts when Elle's head jerked up in excitement when she noticed three people approaching through the gathering of the princess's forces.

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