Music, Conversation and Wine

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"I have to say, do seem fond of this girl." Mai commented while gazing at Azula as the spoiled woman lay back upon her seat as if it was a throne.

All the while Elle lay with her head upon the woman's belly sighing peacefully with the princess's palm in her hair.

"Of course, I am fond of her, Mai. What is not to like about her? She is practically the servant that I have always wanted. It is only natural that such a wonderful pet will have privileges that others could only dream of." Azula remarked as she turned with her plate in hand while scooping up another mouthful smiling widely as she did so.

"Well! I wish you two all the best!" Ty Lee cheered while gazing down at Elle with a warm smile about her.

"I-I am overjoyed that you think so, Azula-sama. There is nothing not to like about you either..." Elle trailed off while swooning with a crimson traveling down her cheeks as she traced her finger along the woman's belly.

"Hm. I know but I do enjoy hearing you tell me how perfect I am." Azula responded while lazily gulping down yet another delicious bite of her meal.

"Then I will continue to do so, Mistress. May I show you my cool stuff now?" Elle requested with childish joy in her voice while the reclining woman gazed down at her still eating her food.

"Fine. Show me your 'cool stuff'." Azula answered in mid mouthful before swallowing it with grace as she wiped her lips with a napkin.

"Yay! I am so happy that we are best friends, Azula-sama. I just know we will share so many wonderful memories together..." Elle cried out as she sat up on the much taller woman's lap while Azula gazed down at her with deadpan amber golden eyes.

"Aww..." Ty Lee giggled as she took careful note that her cruel friend was being quite gentle with her adopted sister.

For Azula this was astonishingly tender behavior.

"Oh, of that I have no friend." Azula stated with a trace of wryness that was lost on the seemingly simple girl's little mind.

"Best friends with Azula-sama!" Elle cheered with innocent joy lighting her cheeks as she grasped her backpack.

"You have a strange choice in both best friends...and caretakers, Elle." Mai spoke while they all watched the girl sit in the princess's lap while beaming as she dug into her bag.

"Mhm. I must say. This is my idea of a 'best friend' who is complete subservient to my will. You should take note, as well, Ty Lee..." Azula taunted while pointing an entitled finger down at the back of Elle's head only for the other woman to snort derisively.

"I will survive." Mai replied in monotone while Azula peered down at Elle with amused amber golden eyes.

"What are you going to do with Elle when we have to go on long wartime missions for many days, Azula?" Ty Lee inquired while peering at their young companion's adorable face.

The words caused Elle to snap her head around with a suddenly distraught gaze that Azula just adored.

"D-days on end without, Azula-sama...." Elle mumbled like a saddened puppy as she sunk in sorrow while Azula leaned against her seat smirking in approval.

"Hm? Several days without serving me is too much for you to endure?" Azula pondered while holding a palm beneath her chin.

"F-far too long. Just too long. A day without my princess is a day without joy." Elle responded glumly while plopping her head on the regal woman's folded knee frowning deeply.

"There are thousands...perhaps millions...that will disagree with you, Elle." Mai sighed while she could not help but finding the way that the girl was latching onto to Azula to be rather sad.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now