The Ice Emperor and the Crimson Orphan

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Note: This chapter and the following one are different than the preceding chapters. Team Azula and Elle will not appear, because I am introducing Naoki as a character in a double chapter special. We will return to Team Azula in the present after these two chapters.

About one year after parting ways with Elle.


The bale of hay dropped to the ground beside the others with a thud while the seven-year-old panted for air.

She paused for a moment as she wiped the sweat from her brow only to jump when a harsh voice rang out into the air.

"What do you think you are doing standing around like that, brat! Did I say that you could stop!" Henry shouted from where he stood in front of his truck while he glared at the child's back.

Only for his anger to grow when the girl stood silent with her brown eyes gazing at the wall of the barn while he quickly made his way over.

"Answer me when I talk to you!" Henry barked just as he seized the little girl by the collar of her shirt while he pulled her around to force her to look him in the eye.

"No. You...did not." The nameless orphan answered in a quiet voice as she hung from the man's fist while Henry glared at her still smiling face.

Just before he coldly threw her aside not even a second later.

She hit the ground with a groan while the middle-aged man scowled down at her in unhidden contempt.

"Then don't! Every bale of hay had better be loaded into the barn by sundown, or you won't be getting any dinner!" Henry announced in a callous voice before he turned to stomp away with an angered scoff.

The little girl silently sat up with her crimson red hair overshadowing her brown eyes while her 'foster parent' stormed away.

"We should have never taken in that worthless brat." Henry muttered in a bitter voice as he walked off while The nameless orphan stood up with her red hair hanging in her eyes.

It was just as she told Elle.

People are cruel.

But she knew that it was pointless to dwell on what she couldn't change.

And soon enough she found herself grasping at another bale of hay with her scraped hands while she carried it across the field to its destination.

Later on, that evening.

The sound of a palm connecting with flesh split into the air as the orphan soared to the kitchen floor with a muffled yelp while Henry's drunken form loomed over her.

"I told you that I wanted every bale of hay moved into the barn by sundown!" Henry yelled in an intoxicated voice with a glower on his lips while the little girl sat on the floor nursing her bruised cheek.

And yet once again.

The nameless orphan said nothing in response as she sat in silence while the man's wife observed from her seat at the dinner table.

"Get out, brat! You're not getting any dinner until you've finished your workload!" Henry ordered in a heartless voice while he glared down at the girl as she clutched her bruised face.

Just as the child stood up a moment later with her brown eyes staring glumly down at the wooden floor before quietly walked away.

The couple stared after her turned back with unloving eyes.

Just as the door closed shut soon after.

"Henry. Eat your dinner before it gets cold. There's no use in getting worked up over the girl. She'll learn sooner, or later." Caroline commented as she gazed at her husband while Henry just scowled as he took a seat once more.

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