The Girl in Red

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"Red hair...I have never seen red hair before..." Jiao muttered in awe as she stood at the back gazing at the unmoving girl.

"What nation...are these soldiers from?" Zoi pondered in an awestruck voice as she surveyed the weaponry in unhidden curiosity.

Is it really possible that other worlds truly exist?

And even more baffling!

Could there really be a gateway of sorts between their worlds?

" the supersoldier that you have told us about Elle?" Mai asked in a wary voice while Elle numbly nodded her head.

It had not escaped their notice that Elle had not once taken her wide eyes off this Naoki's motionless face.

" interesting name." Nako mumbled in shock while she surveyed the device going off at her feet in wonderment.

It was almost like...the device that she just recently constructed!

"Y-yeah. It's her. And these are government soldiers. Were government soldiers." Elle breathed in a quiet voice with her eyes gaping at the scene before her.

"A covert invasion in my country?" Azula hissed in a furious voice as she strode forward with her cold eyes sweeping about.

It seems as if she will truly teach these people a lesson sooner than she first thought.

"What do we do, Azula?" Ty Lee questioned with her brown-gray eyes gazing wide down at the blood-stained grass.

Only for the voice to call out once more just as they watched in shock when Elle sprang forward with a rock in hand.

And not a moment later...


The device shattered into numerous pieces while the seven stared down at their young friend's panting face.

"Hey...I was going to study that!" Nako protested in a disappointed voice while the princess frowned in agreement.

"I-it's too risky! We need to make sure that we destroy all of their communications!" Elle blurted out in a panic as she gazed up at her princess's stoic face.

"Zoi! Saro! Search their corpses, and make certain that you leave nothing suspicious intact!" Azula ordered with her burning fists at her hip while her soldiers nodded in understand.

"What do we do with her?" Saro inquired in a cautious voice as he knelt inspecting a corpse while Azula pursed her lips into an even deeper frown.

"Wake her up, and interrogate her." Azula spoke in a glacial voice as she glared hard down at Naoki's unconscious face while Zoi nodded in affirmative.

"Understood, Princess." Zoi agreed as she strode forward only to pause when Elle called out to her.

"D-don't touch her! And don't walk near her! She's extremely dangerous, and highly volatile! All you will do is provoke her!" Elle explained in a hurried voice as she shakily stood up while Azula let out an arrogant snort.

"Please! Don't make me laugh. This one hardly matches the stories that you have been so vividly telling me." Azula remarked with a haughty smile as she waved a dismissive hand in the air.

Only for her two-childhood friends to roll their eyes as they gazed at the slain men lain out before them.

"Yeah, Azula. Real harmless." Mai stated in a monotone voice while her friend glared at her from the corner of her eye.

"She might look harmless, but I assure you that she isn't. She is much stronger than she looks. T-they turned her into a killing machine. If you disturb her, she is liable to put a hole in you." Elle advised as she slowly approached her prone comrade while the others listened in rising curiosity.

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