The Day After

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Azula knelt on the floor of the throne room before her father after just having concluded her report on the mystery behind Elle

While Ozai now gazed down from his throne at his now twenty-year-old daughter with utterly intrigued amber eyes.

A young foreign girl with golden hair that Azula found in Harbor City.

That was not of the Earth Kingdom.

And not of the Water Tribe.

And yet foreign all the same.

And most curious of all she claims to be from a land that he has never heard of.

And she also speaks of an emperor that he has also never heard of until today.

And she seemingly has no idea how she ended up in Harbor City.

And according to Azula the girl claims that she had never heard of the Fire Nation until she found herself in Harbor City.

And apparently quite naïve and defenseless going by Azula's description of the strange foreign girl's encounters with the criminals in the industrial district.

Criminals that in all likelihood wanted to fetch a high price on her exotic head.

He would have to meet this exotic young girl eventually.

He was far too preoccupied with civilian and war affairs.

The return of the Avatar.

And the treason of his son.

To concern himself with having an audience with a harmless young girl.

As intriguing as she sounds.

And if Azula kept her in the palace in the royal servant's quarters under their watch.

She would be around.

"Very well, Azula. It is indeed prudent to keep such an enigmatic foreigner under our supervision. I would like to meet this girl for myself, but it will have to wait for another day. I am far too busy for such matters today. I will have a look at her another time. In the meantime, I will allow you to keep this girl on your staff of servants while we investigate this fascinating matter." Ozai spoke with his hand rubbing his goatee while Azula gazed up through the yellow flames.

"Understood, Father. It is my belief that deciphering the mystery behind this exotic young foreign girl, and wherever it is that she came from...hold the potential to bring immense benefit to the Fire Nation. If we can decisively validate the supposed existence of this hypothetical foreign land. Just imagine the untold rewards that we could reap...if we discover that there are still lands out there that we have yet to explore. And whatever wonders that may await there...should it truly exist." Azula explained in a perceptive voice as she swept her fingers through her hair sighing all the while.

"Hm. I applaud you for thinking this through so thoroughly. Inform me of any developments should you learn anything further from this soon as you are aware of them. That will be all for now...Azula." Ozai concluded in a rigid voice as he waved his hand for his daughter to go.

"It will be done, Father." Azula agreed as she arose to her feet while giving her father a bow.

And then she turned around as she began stride out of the throne room.

The princess exited through the curtains covering the entrance to the throne room while the Fire Lord's eyes followed her all the while.

She was well aware that he has been keeping a closer watch on her now that she was older and in a much more favorable position to overthrow him if she wished to try.

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