The Terrifying Power of the Ice Emperor

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"Andromeda! What is the meaning of this! Why are you trying to kill my chosen apprentice!" Reiko bellowed in a voice of limitless authority as she stared tyrannically in her subordinate's flinching gray eyes.

As her piercing blue eyes passed over each and every person of note gathered below.

The Fire Nation women still stood around their frightened young friend with their eyes staring defiantly up at the unusually tall woman.

While Reiko stood high above them adorned in black-plated combat armor with her gloved hands folded gracefully behind her back.

Naoki now stood with a small on her lips as her crimson red hair hung over her emotionless eyes.

And sweat now dripped down Andromeda's obviously intimidated face.

All while as the highborn women turned to gaze back at the smiling redhead in shock to hear that she was this emperor's prospective apprentice.

Elle's amber eyes now widened in realization as she stood in front of her confused friends.

"I-I get it that's why you...don't want to come back with Azula-sama. The emperor...she offered to train you." Elle stammered in a quiet voice as Naoki wiped the blood from her smiling lips while Azula turned to glare at the girl through the corner of her eye.

Zoi remained rigid with her sword in hand as she stood beside her fellow taken aback noblewomen.

Azula turned to glare back up above her with her lips already adorning a deep scowl.

It was plain to see that the woman was far more powerful than she had previously thought.

Her callous amber golden eyes flashed with a spark of violent jealously when the monarch's eyes glanced over her trembling pet.

She clenched her mighty fists in displeasure over the prospect of another woman of royalty trying to claim her pet as her own.

Only for her amber golden eyes to widen in surprise when she watched a long bridge of ice effortlessly shoot forth out from under the statuesque woman's combat boots.

The Fire Nation women gazed up with astonishment in their eyes to see that the woman was creating ice...seemingly from thin air!

As far as they could see she wasn't pulling it from any nearby water source or even the air itself!

It truly seemed out from underneath her boots as if she was able to create as much of it whenever she pleases!

And just like that the imposing emperor began to gracefully slide down on a moving bridge of ice as she began to rapidly encircle her intimidated audience.

"I wasn't trying to kill her. I was...just testing her lungs." Andromeda stated with her gray eyes gazing up at her leader as the older woman still eyed her coldly.

Azula rolled her elegant amber golden eyes over as she crossed her arms over her breasts with her armored back purposefully shielding her pet from view.

As the two firebenders and their nonbending comrades never once took their eyes off the unnerving woman as she rode on her ice slide above them.

"How curious. Test her lungs you say..." Reiko hummed in an effortlessly poised voice as she rode over her second in command while she stared down at the younger woman's face.

"I imagine that you will do far worse to her once you begin training her. If she can't even survive a trivial degree of pressure on her lungs...then how will she survive you beating her day in and day out?" Andromeda retorted in a sly voice as she gazed up at her leader while the woman rose a regal brow.

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