Katsu the Combustion!

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The luminous rays of the Sun rose majestically over the mountain forest below.

Katsu held her arm over her face as she stepped beyond the tree line and into the morning light.

She gazed up at the magnificent rising sun with her golden eyes widening in awe.

Elle stood alongside her with her backpack slung over her shoulders as she too gazed up at the Sun.

"What...is that amazing orb of light?" Katsu questioned with innocent wonder lacing her voice as she stood staring up at the emerging sun.

Elle turned to stare back at her with her amber eyes widening in disbelief.

"That...that's the Sun. You...don't remember what the Sun looks like?" Elle answered with astonishment in her voice while her widened eyes gazed back at the taller girl's frustrated face.

"It has been so long since I've seen it. I had forgotten what it looked like." Katsu confessed in a self-conscious voice with her golden eyes still staring up at the brightening sun.

Elle still stared at taller girl with her mouth dropping open in a display of sympathy.

As she struggled to process how anyone would be so cruel as to make another human forget the Sun!


Several explosions of firebending erupted over the burning fortress.

Team Azula leaped out of the way with their elbows shielding their astonishes faces.

Just as Azula skillfully dodged Katsu's poorly aimed swing before she delivered a kick to the back of the girl's head.

She still stared on with her amber golden eyes agape in disbelief as she watched the younger firebender soar through a broken window.

As her captain stood behind her with her golden eyes wide in equal awe.

"I...don't believe it! She has green firebending!" Azula spoke in a stunned voice with her amber golden eyes staring into the rubble in marvelment.

Never in all her life has she met anyone other than herself that was able to use colored firebending!

Although it really wasn't so much a flame...it was more like...an explosive light!

'Elle was right. That isn't a flame in the traditional sense like any other firebender is able to produce. It is more along the lines of combustionbending!' Azula thought with her cold gaze still wide in a rare state of astonishment.

"Incredible! That girl is a combustionbender and an exceedingly unique one at that!" Zoi exclaimed with amazement in her golden eyes while she gazed into the burning debris in shock.

Every member of Team Azula stared into the burning building with their eyes wide in amazement.

Nero stood watching with a cruelly pleased smirk on his lips when the sound of rubble being pushed out of the way resonated into the air.

"What...is with that girl! She acts more like a komodo rhino than a human!" Mai asked with bewilderment in her normally deadpan voice while her widened tawny eyes gazed into the smoking rubble.

Just as Katsu stood up from the rubble with splinters of wood in her increasingly disheveled brown hair.

Katsu panted like a wild beast with her maddened golden eyes spinning about to gaze all around her.

As the team stared on with blinking looks of bafflement in their eyes.

"Watch out! She has a tendency to go into animalistic fits of rage!" Elle cried out with worry in her voice while the two older firebenders stared the disturbed girl down.

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