A Kitten Affair - Part Two (Twoshot)

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This is a bonus sequel to the first kitten affair. It is total fluff and meant to give a break from the seriousness of the huge battles that have occurred all throughout this arc.

The regular chapter will be out in two or so days per the normal schedule.

A tiny golden kitten with a collar wrapped around her neck was now bounding down the hall of the giant royal sloop.

A little bell jingled around her neck as she happily scurried down the hall after her mistress.

And in elegant Chinese print.

Her collar proudly read as follows:

Elle - Princess Azula's Pet.

And not a moment after that Elle yelped when she impacted right with a large blood red wall.

Only to find herself letting out timid meows as she trembled on the floor when her princess halted in her walk to turn around and glance down at her.

As she found herself gulping while the woman now literally towered over her as if she was a giant.

And if there was one thing that took getting used to it was being far, far shorter than she was even before to the point where everyone looked like giants to her.

And it was then that she was snapped out of her reverie while she meowed as she rubbed her face into the princess's boot.

While the scowling woman now stared down at her with a harsh disciplining amber golden gaze.

"Elle, how many times do I have to tell you not to walk under my boots?" Azula spoke in a naturally imposing voice as she stared sternly down at her tiny kitten girlfriend nuzzling her boot.

Only to find herself letting out a heavy sigh when the only response was a whiny meow.

"Just try to watch where you're going, peasant. The last thing I need is for you to cry because I stepped on your feeble paw." The princes snorted as she stooped down to gaze callously down at her little meowing pet while she folded her arms over her chest.

Only to shake her head in something akin to fondness when the tiny girl pawed affectionately at her boot.

And then she sighed once more as she carefully raised her boot over the little kitten while taking care not to step on her.

Before she loudly clapped her hands in a commanding manner as she resumed sauntering down the halls of her royal sloop.

"Come along now, girl." Azula ordered in a controlling voice as she walked with her glacial amber golden eyes staring ahead while she listened to the sound of the small kitten scampering after her heels.

A pleased smile pulled onto her lips as she glanced over her shoulder to see that her tiny kitten girlfriend was bounding on the floor alongside her boots.

Before she turned her frigid amber golden eyes ahead as they made their way through the royal sloop.

Her ruthless amber golden eyes glared all around her at every soldier and servant that they passed by.

And that was all it took for every single person to fearfully avert their eyes from their princess's terrifying gaze in the hopes of avoiding her wrath.

About twenty minutes later.

Azula sat in her throne at the head of the table.

While Zoi, Mai and Ty Lee each sat in their respective spots.

Only for all four highborn women to glance under the table when they saw the golden fur ball bounding into view.

Just as Ty Lee grinned as widely as can be when she saw the little kitten slide to a stop before her pink shoes.

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