Sun, Sand and Punishment

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Nearly an hour later.

The three highborn women lounged on their towels once more.

While the pilot now lounged on her own towel with a more at ease smile on her lips.

And Azula now sat scowling over her shoulder as her handmaid dutifully adjusted Ty Lee's umbrella while the noblewoman smiled warmly up at Elle's adorable face.

"Is that better, oneesan?" Elle asked in a helpful voice while Ty Lee rapidly nodded her head with a large grin on her lips.

"That's perfect, Elle! It really is sweet of you to help me out!" Ty Lee exclaimed in a tender voice as she reclined in the shade while the younger girl flushed under her gaze.

"A-anything to help you out, Ty Lee." Elle mumbled only to smile sweetly when the older girl pulled her down into a crushing bear hug.

"Ty Lee." Azula hissed in a dangerous voice as she sat glaring at Ty Lee's grinning face while the woman smashed her handmaid into her breasts.

And Mai turned her head to stare at the two as she sighed before she sunk back onto her beach pillow.

"Aww! I think you've earned a reward! How about a snuggle?" Ty Lee cooed as she smiled kindly while she held the now squealing girl into her bra.

"A snuggle sounds wonderful, oneesan! I love snuggles!" Elle cried out with her face in Ty Lee's breasts while the older woman laughed warmly in her ear.

"I know you do, Elle. You're so sweet." Ty Lee spoke in a gentle voice as she patted the back of the young handmaid's head only for a fist to slam into the beach floor.

"Get over here, peasant! You are supposed to be worshiping me! Not Ty Lee!" Azula barked as she pointed a spoiled finger at her now panicking serving girl while both noblewomen gazed at her in exasperation.

"Y-yes, Azula-sama!" Elle shouted as she broke into a hurried run towards the scowling woman's side while Ty Lee now glared back at her girlfriend.

"You're so greedy, Azula. Trying to keep such a cutie all to yourself." Ty Lee grumbled as she folded her arms over her breasts while her leader just gazed at her little sister with possessive amber golden eyes.

"Greedy is an understatement." Mai stated in a dull voice as she lay under her own umbrella while Elle rushed past her to wait on Azula.

"I will not tolerate this disrespect! I am your mistress! And you will serve me before all others! Is that clear, peasant!" Azula bellowed from where she sat while she watched in delight when her handmaid bent over in a fretful bow.

"S-sumimasen, Azula-sama! Sumimasen!" Elle stuttered with her hands tucked in at her sides while Azula scoffed in approval as she lazed in her seat.

"I suppose I'll let it slide. Just this once. Now fix my umbrella!" Azula ordered as she reclined like the most spoiled woman in the world with a growing smirk on her red lips while her loyal handmaid jumped up on command.

"Yes, Princess! As you say! Always as you say!" Elle chirped as she spun the umbrella around while her big sisters glared at her girlfriend's smirking face.

"A little more to the left." Azula demanded with a finger under her chin while she sat in the shade while Elle quickly turned her umbrella.

"Let me know when it's to your liking, Azula-sama!" Elle piped as she turned the umbrella while Azula smiled up at her.

"Hm. Perhaps a little more to the right?" Azula taunted as she lay on her pillow with a smug smile on her lips while her childhood friends still glared at her.

The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic)Where stories live. Discover now