Sweet Sensitive and Clueless

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I see the hurt in Loki's eyes at Steve's words I expect it to turn into anger but Steve quickly apologizes looking remorseful. To my surprise Loki actually doesn't seem mad at him because of his apology but he does still look sad he excuses himself politely enough even wishing Steve a happy birthday before we take off. I can tell he's afraid he's going to cry.

Why this hit him so hard I'm not sure but I'm not gonna press. I'm just proud he didn't let his anger take over. I glance up at him and I'm suddenly reminded again what I just learned. Twenty years old... younger than me biologically. I'd always seen him as older than me while I guess this is still true I'd always thought I was in love with a man in the equivalent of his thirties.

Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be into that, dating someone that much older than me but that really didn't matter to me after everything. Now realizing that he's so young it's just a bit of a shock. At that age you're still figuring yourself out, heck I'm still figuring myself out. It's no wonder suddenly being told that he wasn't even from the same planet as his family sent him literally and figuratively off the edge.

Then for Thanos to torture him when he's so young... we really are the same, broken.
I look to Clint in a silent question as I walk up to the door of a shed he nods slightly giving us permission to enter the building. I nod a thanks and Loki and I hide ourselves from prying eyes inside. We sit down on some hay bales that happen to be placed inside. I reach over and put my hand on his cheek.

"You ok?"

He nods reaching up and taking my hand from his face only so he can hold it in his own.

"I just needed a moment... he seemed so shocked... guilty even."

I rub my thumb over the back of his hand comfortingly.

"Well I think we all just assumed you were older he didn't realize he was fighting someone so young... well you know what I mean."

He nods and a tear escapes his eye running down his cheek.

"He was just so remorseful about bringing it up."

The way he says this I realize that Steve's reaction really did surprise him like he didn't expect someone to care that much about how what they said affected him. 'My sweet sensitive clueless Lo'.' I reach out with my other hand resting it at his neck.

"Well of course he was people care about you more than you realize."

He's silent at that as if he's afraid if he acknowledges it out loud he'll jinx it. Finally he speaks again changing the subject.

"...about my age... I never meant to mislead you."

I think to the thing I'm working my way up to talking to him about. Though I genuinely don't care about him being a couple years younger than me he might care about what I'm hiding. I'm not trying to hide it but I just need to figure out how to drop it on him that I'm incapable of having a kid. That's a discussion for another day... I'll figure something out he hasn't even brought up kids yet...

I still feel so guilty about keeping this from him. I need to tell him soon I'm just so afraid of disappointing him. I push those thoughts away I need to focus on this conversation right now. I can sort through my guilty conscious and figure out how to tell him later.

"Lo' that doesn't bother me."

He still seems unsure so I go on.

"Really, you're still one of the strongest, smartest, and most amazing people I know, I know I'm always safe with you, and the fact that I'm technically older than you changes none of that."

I pause and look at him again seeing he looks a bit relieved but still a little sad so I tease him.

"Even if your brain isn't fully developed."

He frowns at my teasing then smiles thinking of a comeback.

"Darling if I'm not mistaken yours isn't either. I recall reading that it's not finished until the age of twenty five. And don't forget you're aging at the rate of an Asgardian now so that will take no less than a century."

Damn I hadn't really thought about that.

"Yeah well... you won't catch up for another century and a half after that."

He pulls a frown and I giggle at his pouting. He smiles slightly at the sound of my laughter. I stand up and hold out my hand.

"If you're ready my king I believe I smell hotdogs on the grill and we better get back outside if we want one before Thor helps himself to our portion."

His smile brightens at my words and he takes my hand allowing me to lead him back out to the party.

A Tale of Mischief and Mutants part 2Where stories live. Discover now