Left Behind

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I watch as most of my team disappears from in front of me I assume they were taken into the dome. For some reason I wasn't chosen leaving me standing here alongside Natasha and members of the X-men who also weren't taken. It looks like only one of them is missing, Sam's father. The wall of the dome morphs into a screen and the hideous creature Mojo begins speaking.

"Auditions are closed. Now scram!"

That wasn't the deal and I'm not about to leave empty handed especially when I've potentially just unwittingly traded my brother and Sam for them.

"What of the hostages?"

"Oh them. I guess I could get rid of a few but some of them have been recast pal."

A few more of Mojo's enforcers appear with who I assume to be cast members. As Natasha calls it into S.H.I.E.L.D and sorts things out to get them safely away from the scene I begin to think. I know there's nothing I can say to reason with this... being, so once the last of the hostages they are releasing are out of harm's way I instead turn to those under Mojo's employ that remain hoping they are slightly more sane than the monster they serve.

"Your master should be aware that he has taken two members of the Asgardian royal family and Asgard will treat this as an act of war."

The woman that fits Sam's description of Spiral shrugs her shoulders.

"Mmm they shouldn't've shown up for auditions then. They belong to Mojo now."

This woman speaking so flippantly about me loosing the only family I have left sets me off but before I can react I feel a hand on my chest gently stopping me from my near subconscious advance towards the woman. I follow the arm the hand's attached to, to find Natasha shaking her head at me. Trying to stop me from oafishly escalating the situation.

She's right of course, it would be yet another example of my rash decision making to take them head on and it would probably end with us loosing. We need to handle this more delicately. ...what would Loki do? Retreat and make a plan. I stand down nodding to my teammate. Natasha is obviously on the same page as I am as she beings leading.

I haven't yet expressed my congratulations for her promotion to being second in command behind Rogers but I should when the next appropriate time arises. She's been doing extremely well with it. I feel she's better at leading than I am at times. She speaks to Spiral first then turns and speaks to the X-men hoping we can leave in peace and come up with a plan.

"Understood. If it's alright Thor and I will join you all in your jet."

The blue one, Hank I believe, nods slightly realizing what Natasha is doing. We join the X-men aboard their aircraft where those far better at it than I begin coming up with a plan to save both the hostages and our teammates. I know I won't be of much help so I'm only left to worry. I shouldn't be worried Loki is resourceful he'll likely be just fine, still I vowed to protect him.

The trouble is though I know he's more than competent at fighting in his own way I still can't help but see him as a bit vulnerable since learning what happened to him before New York. I know he's strong because of those experiences too but when he told me about everything he broke down.

Seeing my little brother so terrified by something when he's always been able to hide his fear so well struck me. I can't let anything like that happen to him again. 'Sam wouldn't let anything happen to him.' I smile slightly at the random thought. It's true he's safe with her and she is safe with him regardless of what they face they'll figure out a way to protect each other. I relax a bit because of the thought and refocus on the conversation at hand.

A Tale of Mischief and Mutants part 2Where stories live. Discover now