Doctor Palmer

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I'm overjoyed to say the least. Sam's awake and she's come out of whatever state she was in. Logan enters the room cautiously not knowing that she's doing a bit better now. Being in a hospital is obviously still taking it's toll on Sam because she turns fearfully at the noise his entrance made. Her stressed filled expression relaxes when she sees who's entered she smiles fondly and sits up off of me to greet him.


He smiles in relief.

"Who else darlin'?"

Her smile becomes a bit mischievous.

"I don't know, an angrier harrier Danny Devito?"

He laughs at what I recognize from the films Sam's made me watch featuring that actor as a jab at his height, shaking his head a bit.

"I'm glad you're alright kid."

Her face falls a little.

"Well... I'm getting there, there's some things... I well..."

She looks at me as if to seek approval then decides to go on without waiting for a response either deciding she already knows my answer or that she doesn't need to ask for permission. To each I would respond by saying she has it and that she doesn't need to ask.

"I'll need to talk to my therapist."

He nods understandingly.

"Ain't nothing to be ashamed of darlin'."

She nods still frowning slightly.

"I just wish I didn't need to, I would like to get along without the extra help."

"You get along just fine considering everything."

He pauses as if debating whether or not to say his next words.

"...Between you and me I need that sort of thing from time to time too."

She hides it well but I can see that either the open admission or the fact itself surprises her. She changes the subject directing a question at me.

"Did they say when I can go home?"

"I was told you could leave once you were awake and... functioning normally again. We just have to have a doctor look over you once more and give us instructions on how to care for the injuries to your wrists. We will also have to wait for Ned to get that wretched thing off of you disrupting the process could make him have to start all over."

She looks very nervous at my saying she'll need to be looked over by a doctor. I try my best to ease her anxiety.

"I'll be here the whole time love."

She nods keeping quiet as she's prone to do when troubled over something. I instinctively take her hand once again. In response she leans into me seeking comfort. I gladly oblige wrapping my arm around her. Logan smiles a little bit as he turns towards the door

"I'll go hunt down the doc."


A good while later there's a soft tapping on the door. Sam moves a little and looks up at me with distress. I kiss her lightly on the head in reassurance before I call out to the doctor.

"Come in."

The doctor, a female in her late thirties, enters the room. She's not one I recognize from the months we spent here when Sam was in S.H.I.E.L.D custody I don't know if that's better or worse for Sam's anxiety. Nevertheless I'm thankful for the fact that Sam won't have to deal with a male doctor. She nods to me in acknowledgment then focuses on Sam.

"Hello Samantha I'm Doctor Palmer, is it ok if I take a look under those bandages one more time before you go?"

Sam seems to be a little thrown off by the doctor asking her if it was okay. As if her consent was something she didn't expect the doctor to care about which I guess if her memories of her missing years are haunting her the mentality would make sense. She nods looking tense.

Doctor Palmer is careful in her movements and unwraps the bandages from Sam's wrists with gentle care. She inspects the stitches carefully before seeming satisfied and redressing the wounds.

"Ok your wrists look like they're on the right track so I'm going to prescribe you something for the pain and give you guys a folder with instructions to help with the healing process, then you're good to go Miss Howlett."

She leaves for a moment and comes back with the file folder handing it to Sam.

"If you have any questions please use the number in here to call me. The prescription is ready for you at Skien General Pharmacy."

I nod knowing Sam might be a little reluctant to agree to talking to a doctor. Doctor Palmer adds one last thing before taking off, her eyes momentarily landing on Sam's engagement ring that she'd somehow managed to hold onto despite everything that's happened.

"Congratulations by the way."

I see Sam smile just a little at this. I smile too I'm genuinely thankful for the way she's handled herself around Sam.

"Thank you Doctor Palmer."

She smiles and nods slightly then leaves.

A Tale of Mischief and Mutants part 2Where stories live. Discover now