Vile Nightmare

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I watch helplessly I'm being restrained by something though I'm not quite sure what that is as I watch. The ones who held me captive have me back, me and even more horrifically Mary. I scream at them as they begin the process of doing to Mary what they'd done to me hundreds of times over. I try to fight to get loose and protect her but I can't I sob as they continue.

I beg for them to take me instead as terrified as I am to relive the experience I'm ten times more afraid of them doing it to Mary. Don't they understand how young she is? Nobody should have to go through this regardless of age but they'd never had anyone younger than 17 here before and from my understanding they thought that 17 year old was 18 when they took her.

I thought minors were for the most part off limits to them. My sobs are cut short by confusion something's shaking me now and I don't know... suddenly the scene disappears in front of me. I'm confused there's someone here too it's too dark to make out any of their features.

I panic my abilities lashing out as I make contact with the figures wrist. They groan in pain and take a moment to clutch their new wound a gash running down their bicep. They then fumble around and light illuminates the scene in front of me. The figure was Loki I'm in our room my heart's still pounding, what I just saw...

"Mortal it's alright you're safe."

Loki begins to try and comfort me but I'm not worried about me... I look for my phone and see I forgot to put it in its usual place. I continue to cry as I get up out of the bed I need to call her. I need to make sure she's ok. I need to prove to myself that what I just saw wasn't real.


I ignore him, at this moment I have only one goal. I find my phone and fumble through my contacts in desperation. Loki isn't sure what I'm doing he comes over and puts a hand gently on my wrist.

"Sam? Love, it's three in the morning."

I don't care. I hit call on her contact shaking as I wait for her to pick up growing more anxious with each ring. Tears still stream down my cheeks as I wait. Loki looks unsure of what I'm doing but he sees my fear and leads me to come sit down guiding me gently back to bed as the phone rings. I comply completely. I'm not concerned about anything but this phone call right now. Finally after what seems like forever she picks up.

"Hello? Sam? something wrong?"

I begin to cry harder but my tears are now caused by relief. I speak in hitched breaths.

"Y-yeah everyth-things fine now."

Mary responds with worry.

"Sam are you crying?"

"I'm f-fine now. I love you. S-sorry I bothered you. I love you."

"...I love you too are you sure you're ok?"

"Y-yes I just needed to he-hear your voice. I love you I'll let you go now."

"Ok... well just call me back if there's anything else. Ok?"

"I-I will."

"Ok then. I love you and I'll talk to you later alright?"

"Y-yeah bye."

I'm still shaking as I end the phone call. I let myself collapse into Loki's arms. He looks at me with extreme worry this was a new one. I'd never done this before upon waking up from a nightmare but I'd never had a nightmare like this before either. It had always just been me, but now my sister had taken my place and that scares me even more. I don't know what caused it but it's more vile than any of my other nightmares. He asks me in what has to be the softest tone possible for him.

"Darling what happened?"

He obviously knows it was a nightmare he's cut to the chase asking what it was about. I cling to him so tightly shaking as I answer.

"Th-they had Mary and- and they-"

My voice hitches up and there's no way I'm finishing that sentence. He rubs my back and speaks in that same gentle tone.

"Mortal it's alright she's safe I promise, we could even go see her if you want to."

I nod he's right I just spoke with her she's fine there's no reason for me to show up with my emotional wreckage and take up her time. I'll just visit her in the morning.

"No... I don't want to bother her. She's safe I'll go tomorrow."

He nods. He gently moves us back underneath the covers of the bed holding onto me. I prop myself up slightly lifting the covers to inspect the wound I gave him. It's nothing too bad a knife injury from a 'client' with an especially bad temper. Loki's physiology is already hard at work fixing it evident by blood spilled from the wound already having clotted up. He gently rests a hand on my cheek smiling softly and still speaking in a soothing tone.

"It's nothing, please try and get some rest."

I nod laying back down. He turns off the lamp flooding the room in darkness. I cling to him thankful to have him here that fate somehow brought our paths together though those paths had almost killed us. My breath hitches in my throat as I speak.

"I-I love you."

Though it's impossible to see in the dark I can seem to somehow 'hear' the smile on his lips as he replies

"I love you too mortal."

A Tale of Mischief and Mutants part 2Where stories live. Discover now