No Leads

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When Thor returns Wanda speaks with him about interrogating Amora for information. Thor wasn't able to get anything out of her and said her surprise when he told her what happened seemed pretty genuine. Nevertheless they're going back to the Raft where Wanda will begin probing her mind for the truth.

Before they do though Wanda tells him the news too apologizing for the poor timing of the announcement but explaining how unplanned it'd been. He expresses congratulations to her and Vision before leaving with her. I'm going to drop by the X mansion and tell everyone there what's happening and recruit their help too, then Thor's going to meet up with me at the sanctum to see if they're not too busy to help.


Mary ends up returning home with us after a full day with no leads as to where Loki is. The sorcerers at the sanctum were preoccupied with a multidimensional threat and told us in the kindest way possible to fuck off, Cerebro was oh so inconveniently destroyed in a recent incident at the school not that it was 100% guaranteed to work anyway with the way in which Loki's mind is naturally and magically guarded (I'm not sure of the logistics), Wanda's look into Amora's mind was also just a dead end.

After three hours she finally broke through and learned that Amora knows jack shit about where Loki is. Bruce, Pepper, and Vision didn't find anything indicating Doom was involved in this, Bucky, Steve, and Sam are having a hard time finding neo Hydra members let alone interrogating them, and Clint, Nat, and their proteges will take a bit to find anything out if there's anything to find out in Madripoor.

It's frustrating and as we return home I dejectedly look at my house not wanting to go sleep inside without Loki there. Thor sees this he glances at Mary before coming to a decision probably deciding that with Mary here too people won't assume anything unsavory about what he's about to propose.

"You two can stay with me if you'd like."

I just nod tears brimming in my eyes trying my absolute best not to let my thoughts spiral down the rabbit hole of all the horrible things that could be happening to my husband right now. 'What if it was the Jotuns taking revenge for what he did to Jotunheim and their king?!' At this random intrusive yet plausible thought I feel whatever dam was stopping my anxiety slowly start to crumble.

I can't stop the tears as they run down my face. Both Mary and Thor look disheartened at this but are both just as powerless as I am to fix the situation. Mary takes my hand and Thor puts his hand on my shoulder I wipe my eyes.

"I- I'm sorry I..."

Thor's hand moves to my neck the same gesture of affection I've seen him use on Loki before.

"Sister it's alright. You have every right to those tears."

I nod breaking down even more feeling slightly less guilty for my emotions possibly being a burden to Thor during this time. He moves his hand to the back of my head gently guiding me into a hug. Mary hugs me from behind and I'm sandwiched between my two siblings. When we eventually pull away I feel slightly better. Thor smiles sadly at me.

"Let's go gather what you need then get some rest."

I just nod still heartbroken and sick to my stomach about my missing husband but if I don't rest I know I can't help him. We
go inside and quickly gather some things I need to stay overnight including Vili then the three of us walk to Thor's house in silence with Mary holding my hand and Thor's arm wrapped around my shoulders the entire way there both being there to ground me as waves of anxiety threaten to knock me down.


When we arrive home we set straight to work figuring out sleeping arrangements.
I offer Sam my bed and I'm to take the small sofa in my bedroom. I don't offer one of the guests rooms because I think it'd be best for me to stay close unless she for whatever reason objects. None of my guest rooms have a sofa and I'd like to avoid bringing out and setting up the cot.

I don't want Sam to be left all alone as she'll likely wake up from nightmares tonight. Sam agrees to the arrangement and I then offer Mary one of my many guest rooms but she declines saying she wants to stay with her sister too. I then offer to take one of the guests rooms if she doesn't want me there too but Sam insists I stay. Saying she'd likely sleep better knowing I'm here feeling safer with me here than in the next room.

"If you're in here I can look over and see you're still there."

I nod sadly she's now afraid nobody in her life is safe from whatever happened to Loki. She goes on looking slightly ashamed as if she believes her fears are bothersome or silly.

"I know it's kinda irrational cuz if someone wanted to take you too they probably would've already but... well... this'll just give me peace of mind."

"I understand. There's no need to explain yourself it's perfectly reasonable to be fearful of that after what happened today."

She nods and smiles slightly.

"I also know if I wake up from a nightmare you give the best hugs."

I smile at that statement as Mary nods in agreement with her.

"Then I'll stay right here. Do I need to fetch a cot for you Lady Mary?"

Mary blushes at the formal title of lady before she opens her mouth to answer but before she can utter a word Sam protests to this.


She backpedals from this realizing her voice came out sounding incredibly desperate. Probably not being able to stand the thought of sleeping in an empty bed.

"I'm sorry, I mean if she wants to she can sleep by me."

She looks at Mary apologetically.

"You don't have to."

Mary smiles at her and sits down on the bed putting her hand on Sam's arm gently.

"It's okay Sam I want to."

We each go get ready for bed.

A Tale of Mischief and Mutants part 2Where stories live. Discover now