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As we leave the restroom now dressed for the day I smell a somehow familiar sweet scent. Sam sees me contemplating the smell and smiles.

"I finally got that damn porridge to work! I'm gonna go get it out of the oven before I eat my words!!"

She runs off excitedly looking pleased with herself it's really quite adorable. I follow and sit down at the kitchen table observing her fondly as she carefully removes the dish from the oven. We wait a moment for it to cool then she puts two bowls together and sits down next to me. She takes a bite without trouble but then warns me.

"Careful it's probably still too hot for you Lo'."

I suppress an eye roll it's an annoyance to hear her say things like this as often as she does now but I do not wish to upset her. She's not saying this to be irritating she simply gets worried about me around any sort of heat after the fire beasts and the incident with Pyro. It's understandable as it's the one thing she's seen really hurt me, other than herself and an adamantium blade that is.

"Yes love."

I wait another moment just to humor her before taking a bite. As I do I'm suddenly overwhelmed with memories of a simpler time, back when I was young, Thor and I we would eat this or at least something very similar to this as children. Nearly all the memories associated with this food are good. I smile and point to the porridge.

"This. This right here. Not even Andhrímnir could have done better."

She looks a little unsure of what that means but can tell by my demeanor it's a complement and her cheeks go red.

"W-who's that?"

I shoot her my most charming smile because I love seeing her flustered.

"Only the chef of the gods my dear."


She smiles softly and her cheeks continue to flush red. I thoroughly enjoy the rest of my bowl as I go back up for another helping she raises her eyebrows.

"Wait you really actually liked it?!"

"I said as much did I not? It's food fit for a king though I'd surely stab Thor if he tried to take any."

"I... I thought you were just being sweet... I thought it was kinda dry."

"Nonsense, don't even speak to me about such ridiculousness. This was perfect."

'Yes!' 'She's blushing even deeper now!' I emphasized my point by taking an even larger portion this time. I wait for it to cool and am halfway through the bowl when I receive a message on my phone the number is unknown and the text is just a set of coordinates -'48.2775° N, 8.1860° E'- Damn, I was hoping this would happen after the wedding celebration.

My contact who is someone in charge of information gathering for S.H.I.E.L.D (in which I've made a generous deposit into their bank account with the promise of more after I've taken care of the problem) has provided me with the location of Weapons Plus. I have a 48 hour head start on S.H.I.E.L.D which means I need to act fast.

I search for the coordinates on my phone. The Black Forest Germany. They're smart to have moved their operations out of Canada and the United States as S.H.I.E.L.D had been almost certain that's where they operated from. Luckily I somewhat remember the area from 2012 as I had decided to hide some of my people and supplies in the same forest because of its relative proximity to Stuttgart.

"Lo' is everything ok?"

I sigh it's no use to lie to her, besides anything but the truth won't be a valid reason for me to take off during what's meant to be the most important celebration of our lives. She's also not going to end up in much trouble if everything fails she can't exactly be held responsible for not testifying against me about it, not now that we're married.

"Sam I'm sorry I need to go. I have a location on Weapons Plus."

"Well shouldn't we tell S.H.I.E.L.D?!"

"No. They won't do what's necessary to keep you safe."

Seeing I have malicious intentions behind my statement she begins as if she's about to scold me but seems to change her mind mid sentence.

"Lo'... what are you gonna do?"

"Get rid of the problem. Permanently."

She's silent for a moment and looks like she wants to object her demeanor shifts displaying her anxiety fully. I know the conflict with my goal isn't because she'd be upset by me killing though she hates excessive violence she's scared at every moment because of these people and they have to be dealt with. Her conflicted emotions about my plans are caused by her fear of me getting into trouble and being locked away. She finally speaks sounding a bit terrified

"If you do this, you make sure nothings left, no evidence, no bodies, no fingerprints, nothing and if you find anyone who was taken like I almost was you get them to safety without them seeing you. I know you need this and I know you won't make this a regular thing... please be careful. ...I can't loose you."

I hadn't really thought about the fact that my plans for vengeance may also turn into a rescue mission, Norns I hope I don't find anyone in that condition. I stand up and embrace her now trembling form.

"I will, I promise."

She stands up embracing me tightly and nods in response then pulls away and faces me.

"What do we tell everyone?"

"You're too anxious to face any crowds today and I am here with you."

She bites her lip knowing her next statement is going to complicate things.

"I- I don't want to be alone."

I pull her closer to me.

"You won't be, I'll get Peter."

I don't think Thor will try and stop me but I think he will try and come along and this mission will require clandestinity that he severely lacks. Though my brother is great at fighting things he's about as subtle as a Fire Giant on Jotunheim.

She clings to me for a moment before she responds I know this is going to be hard on her. I don't want to leave her here but I will not allow her to come along which she probably already knows and is the reason she hasn't asked. She's still recovering and I'd be bringing her right to the people who have been hunting her.

"...Ok. Please be careful, I love you."

"I love you too I must go figure out how to carry this out."

She nods and I walk away to call Peter then face my first dilemma, I'm going to need a ride. I cannot use the bifrost or our sling rings so this leaves me with a choice of either 'borrowing' transportation from one of our guests or speaking with the two other people here I know have reason to seek vengeance on Weapons Plus. If I'm correct in my assumptions I may acquire both transport and assistance from them.

A Tale of Mischief and Mutants part 2Where stories live. Discover now