Gellert Grindelwald 6

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This a soulmate A.u,sorry if its not great.

To live in a world of magic and non magic is one thing,but trying to find your soulmate is another thing. And I don't mean fairytale soulmate's I'm talking actual soulmates. We all have a soul mark on our body's that represented ourselves and our soulmate,mine is a number nine with a triangle around it

I know the nine is me because my Pythagorean numerology number is in nine,but the triangle I have no idea(a/n the nine actually is the Pythagorean numerology number of the name Charmaine which is the authors name)

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I know the nine is me because my Pythagorean numerology number is in nine,but the triangle I have no idea(a/n the nine actually is the Pythagorean numerology number of the name Charmaine which is the authors name).

The soul marks are there from birth but don't show themselves fully until we turn eighteen. Then begins the journey of finding your soulmate, of course along the way you can date and stuff but ultimately you will still end up with your soulmate. People that have found there soulmate's have told me that your soul make will burn when your soulmate is nearby. That has yet to happen to me.

Although one time in the Macusa my mark on my neck did tingle a little bit,when I ran past madame president and Mr Graves. But I thought nothing of it and carried on,I'm not one of these people that spend there entire life doing nothing but search for there soulmate. I just hoped we would cross paths one day.

Currently I am in Paris with Leta Lestrange helping her look for her fiancé and his brother, Theseus and Newt Scamander. I knew Leta since we first started Hogwarts, she a Slytherin and me a Ravenclaw,then I met Newt and eventually his older brother. I always new Newt liked Leta,but she liked Theseus so it was like a love triangle,kinda.

We entered a room in a build that is packed with witches and wizards all listening to one man talk,the man is Gellert Grindelwald. Not long after a witch is killed did the mark on my neck start to burn
"There here" I thought to my self. I watched as people left and others walked down to Grindelwald who is stood in the center of the room surrounded by blue flames.

He looked magnificent controlling the fire with ease as he tormented the Scamander brothers
"Grindelwald stop" I hear Leta say beside me and I watch as Grindelwald walked up the stairs to where we are stood and I looked around as the blue flames surrounded us. I tuned back into see Grindelwald has offered Leta to join him and the mark on my neck suddenly burned worse.

I winced from the pain and grabbed at my neck, I noticed that Grindelwald had lowed his offered hand and is now looking at me. The dark wizard walked over to me and stopped right in front of me,he is taller than me,the blue fire has separated us from Leta.

I stood watching him,Grindelwald's miss matched eyes looked at my neck. He reached out and moved the hair away from my neck and saw my soul mark which is burning white hot
"You" Grindelwald spoke,his voice is deep"You're my soulmate"
"Wait what?" I say,I watch as Grindelwald moves his coat and shirt sleeve to reveal the same nine in the triangle that is on my neck.

I could see that it is as painful as mine,the skin around his mark is a angry red. I reach out and rub my thumb over his mark,as I took my hand away the skin had turned back to its normal pale colour. Grindelwald's cool hand touched my neck and the pain faded.

"I have been looking for you my entire life" Grindelwald said quietly
"Boy do you need a hobby" I said and saw Grindelwald smirk
"An attitude, I like it" Grindelwald said"Come with me my dear,I shall make you happy"
"The only way that can happen is if you have a castle" I tell him.

"As it happens I do have a castle,Nurmengard castle" Grindelwald tells me
"Sold,let's go" I say taking his hand and dragging him down the stairs
"Eager are we" Grindelwald teased.

"I want to see this magnificent castle" I say,once we are back in the circle at the bottom. I can see the Scamander brothers trying to get to me
"That is not the only magnificent thing I have in my possession" Grindelwald flirted
"Down boy, there will be plenty of time for that" I tell the platinum blonde.

In the end Newt gets Theseus out after Leta died
"I hate Paris" Grindelwald says
"Tell me about it" I agree. We dissaperate and appear in what looked like a large living room
"Now my sweet one,I have to deal with some people first but then I wish to get to know you" Grindelwald tells me.

"OK,I'm going to explore" I say
"First tell me your name?" Grindelwald asks
"Y/n L/n" I say
"You may call me Gellert or master,but we can talk about that later" Grindelwald tells me,I walk over to him and surprise him by kissing him on the lips.
"I've always wanted to kiss a bad guy" I say after we part, I think I'm going to like it here.

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