Edward Scissorhands 2.

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Requested by PlaugedWidow98

I remember the day I met my boyfriend Edward quiet clearly, you see I have always been fascinated by the spooky things and the big black mansion on the hill was just calling out to be explored. At the time I didn't know someone was actually living there. It was a shock to the both of us when we saw each other. After we calmed down,we introduced ourselves and got to know each other.

After that day I visited Edward as often as I could,we became friends quiet quickly. I told Edward what life is like outside the mansion. We talked about the advancements in technology and what it would be like if Edward could finally have hands. It actually happened one day,Edward got his hands and we left the village and the mansion behind. I had inherited my grandparents home and no one knew who we where,so we where left in piece,we began a romantic relationship not long after.

Today is one of those days when you can't decide on what to do as the weather is bad
"Hey Ed,do you remember when I said I would teach you how things work" I say
"Yes" Edward says
"Well now is a good time" I say
"Okay,where do we start" Edward asks eagerly
"Let me think" I say"Oh I know."

I lead Edward into the kitchen
"We can start in here,there is lots of things to learn how to use" I explained. I showed Edward the various appliances in the kitchen and what each of them did
"Can you teach me how to cook?" Edward asks
"Sure,I'm not that good my self but we can probably have fun as well" I say.

After finishing in the kitchen, I showed Edward how the TV,DVD player and a games console how they all worked. Ed didn't really like the console. The one thing that Edward didn't like was the hoover,his reaction to it was like a dog. He ran away from it
"Don't worry honey, the hoover won't hurt you, even if it is evey noisy" I say softly to Edward.

"I think that's enough for one day" Edward suggests
"Yes I agree" We make our way back to the kitchen to have dinner"So Ed is there anything else you would like to learn about,cleaning, washing, painting? " I ask
"Can you teach me about sex?" Edward asks innocently.

I stare at him with an open mouth,where had that idea come from. We had both agreed we would have sex when Edward was ready
"I....if you....want to" I stammer
"It would be nice to learn about it" Edward says. I will admit this is one thing I have most been looking forward to teaching to Edward
"Well...umm....let's clean up and then we can....er...head upstairs..."

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