Gellert Grindelwald 12.

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For Johnnydeppswhore1

I walked across the snow back towards the big castle in front of me,shivering from the cold as I don't have a coat on. I know why am I outside in the cold with no coat on,easy I tried to apperate and succeeded but I ended up outside and not on the other side of the room. You see a few years ago I lost my memory and I mean almost everything.

I knew how to walk and talk but that was it. I learnt my name,age and date of birth on my I.d card,it was a bit of a shock to learn that I'm a witch but knew nothing about being one. I went to Paris to find some relatives of mine but I was told they died years ago. There I met Gellert Grindelwald and he took me with him and his followers to Nurmengard and since that day he has been teaching me magic,along with a young man called Credence.

And today's lesson is apperation,and being the dufus I am,I got distracted by the snow and ended up outside. I blew on my hands and stamped my feet as I reentered the castle. I made my way into the first room and stood in front of the roaring fire trying to warm up. As I stood there the door opened and I looked to see Credence enter the room with Grindelwald.

"Y/n where did you go?" Credence asks me
"Outside, I got distracted by the snow" I tell him
"I'll get you a hot drink to help warm you up" Credence says, as soon as he left the room Gellert speaks
"Only you could get distracted by snow and appreate yourself outside" even though I could tell he was teasing, I still turned my back on him fully.

I kept facing the fire as I heard Gellert cross the room to me
"You do know I'm teasing you sweetheart" Gellert says,as places his arms around my middle and rests his head on my shoulder
"Its not funny" I say.

"Do you forgive me or must I make you?" Gellert asks next to my ear,his deep voice making me shiver slightly
"Make me" I tell him,Gellert moves the hair away from my neck and trails kisses up to my jaw and back down again. I lean back into his chest,enjoying the affection. I turned around in his arms and place my arms onto his shoulders
"Am I forgiven now?" Gellert asks.

"I was never mad at you in the first place"I tell him
"You cheeky witch" Gellert says smirking at me
"Well that is another thing I know about myself" I say"I know my name,age,date of birth,I'm also cheeky..."
"Your also mine" Gellert interrupts
"Don't interrupt" I tell him,making him roll his eyes.

"I'm also stubborn and I love wolves" I finish "Oh and I'm yours,satisfied?"
"Not yet" Gellert says before he kisses me. We stand making out for some time until the door opens and someone walks in,but we continue to kiss
"Sir do you have a moment?" the voice of Vida asks,we stop kissing annoyed
"Do I look like I have a moment, I'm busy" Gellert tells her.

"But sir..." Vida tries
"You heard the boss man,he is busy so get lost" I tell her,and with that she stalks from the room and the door slams shut behind her"I swear if you don't kill her,I will. I'll give her deeply committed"
"You're not jealous are you?" Gellert asks
"Of that French tart, never" I say"But if she tries anything with you,then I will deeply commit her to her grave"
"Down girl" Gellert smirks. I may well never remember my old life,but I love the life I have now.

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