Jack Sparrow and Gellert Grindelwald 6

368 13 7

For AlsephinaSiriusBlack

With December finally here I can only hope that it will snow soon. Its not really me that wants the snow,well I do because I love snow its more for my best friend Jack,he has never experienced snow. Me and my other best friend Gellert are currently sat in the living room whist Jack hunts for Rum.

"Love have you seen my rum?" Jack calls from the kitchen
"You drank it all Jack" I call back to him
"Bugger" Jack says walking into the living room and sitting on the other side of me
"G can you get Jack more rum?" I ask the wizard
"Why not take him outside?" Gellert says
"What for?"I ask.

"Well its snowing" Gellert says
"Since when?" I ask shocked
"All morning, you just never looked out the window" Gellert says,opening the curtains from his place on the sofa
"Come on Jackie let's go out into the snow" I say excited to Jack
"No,I want rum" Jack says pouting
"Get some at the shop" Gellert says
"Good idea G,you can come as well" I say standing up.

It took a lot of persuading but I finally managed to get Gellert to come with me and Jack outside and into the snow. Gellert and I walked side by side down the street and Jack looked at all the snow
"What is all this cold stuff?" Jack asks
"Its frozen water" Gellert tells him
"Lies" Jack says
"Nature" I say" It happens a lot,just not in really hot places"

Whilst I explained how snow worked to Jack,Gellert walked a little bit a head of us
"...and this a snow ball" I say handing Jack the ball of snow
"Looks like a cannon ball" Jack says examining the ball
"It is actually but its softer" I explained, Jack then throws the snow ball straight at Gellert's back,Gellert turns around and looks at us.

Jack points to me
"She did it,the naughty wench"he says
"Hey don't call me that" I say
"I know it was you Sparrow" Gellert says and he then proceeds to throw a snow ball back at Jack via magic
"Come on guys now" I say to the pirate and wizard as they have a snowball fight. Since the two men aren't listening,I decided to record them. I know Johnny would love this.

Eventually Jack grew tired of the game as he had throw them by hand and Gellert used his wand
"I call parley"Jack shouts as a snowball flies past his head
"We can parley but I am the winner" Gellert says
"If you kids are done with your game,can we go to the shop now?" I ask the guys.

"Sure we can go,its only been 10 minutes" Jack says
"Exactly, what's your hurry sweetheart?" Gellert asks
"We have been hear for nearly two hours" I say giggling at their shocked faces"Now lets go,I'm cold and hungry" and with that I walk off
"If you want Darling I can warm you up?" Gellert offers,catching up to me
"No I want to warm Y/n up" Jack says joining us.

"Its both of your fault I'm cold in the first place,but because I love you both I will forgive you" I tell the guys
"Thank you love" Jack says
"Thank you sweetheart" Gellert says
"Of course you will have to both do stuff for me" I tell them
"Like what?" Jack and Gellert both ask
"Oh you shall see"

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