Sweeny Todd

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Requested by stephenkinglover2 hope this what you wanted.

Today is Christmas day and things have finally settled down in London,no more hectic streets or last minute costumer's. You see running a bakery this time of year is a nightmare, I enjoy it but it is hard work. I did get some help from the grumpy barber that works up stair's,Sweeny Todd but he mostly scared people off,which can be funny but I do need the money for rent and supplies.

Sweeny has asked me to spend Christmas with him as we both have no one else,which actually surprised me at first but I gladly excepted,we have grown closer since Sweeny killed Turpin and Mrs Lovett the previous owner of my shop. I gathered some pastry's from my shop which are 100% sweet and no human.

And made my way upstairs, strangely the door is slightly open
"Hello,Sweeny" I call pushing the door open and walking inside. I had only gone two feet when warm hands cover my eyes
"You're early my dear Y/n" I hear the voice of Sweeny say close to my ear
"Oh sorry Sweeny,its 12:00pm" I tell him,I hear Sweeny kick the door closed.

"Just give me a moment" Sweeny says"No peeking "I feel his hands leave my eyes but I keep my eyes shut. I hear Sweeny moving about the room" Okay open "I slowly open my eyes and see Sweeny has decorated his barber shop for Christmas
"Have you been drinking?" I tease him as this is not something Sweeny would normally do.

"Not much" Sweeny says
"Okay then,let's eat" I say,the rest of the afternoon is filled with joy and laughter with the help of whisky that Sweeny had brought. I'm not one for drinking to often but hey,its Christmas. I stand looking out the window as the lamps are lit down below,I know I am slightly tipsy but I don't mind.

"Y/n come dance with ol Sweeny" I hear the barber say
"You Todd can dance?" I say turning to face him
"What are you implying woman?" Sweeny asks glaring at me
"Nothing" I say giggling
"I shall show who can dance" Sweeny says,grabbing me and we begin to dance around the barber shop.

We laugh as we dance and I have to admit Sweeny is a really good dancer, even when slightly drunk. We come to a stop by the fire place,we gaze into each others eyes as the fire crackles in the background
"Y/n will you marry me?" Sweeny suddenly says,it shocks me at first as I wasn't expecting this
"Yes Sweeny I will marry you" I say,Sweeny smirks and leans down and kisses me on the lips as snow begins to fall outside the window.

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