Johnny Depp 11.

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Even though I had given up smoking years ago I had started up again recently due to stress,the stress of making a movie. Even though I'm only an extra it is still stressful. It didn't help that the leading lady is bossy and mean to us extras, thankfully though the leading man is none other than Johnny Depp. And he makes coming to set each day worth it. So far I haven't actually seen much of him but my next scene I will be filming with him.

I stood behind the catering truck with the other extras as we waited to be called back onto set. Some stood around drinking coffe,others ate food and I lit up a cigarette. What we didn't expect was for the star of the movie to join us as well,he came from behind me. I didn't know he was here until he actually spoke to me
"Excuse me miss,may I trouble you for a light?" I turned expecting to see another extra but was shocked to see it is Johnny Depp instead
"S-sure"I say,I had him my lighter with slightly shaking hand.

I watched in awe as Johnny lit his cigarette and hand my lighter back to me
"Thank you miss..."Johnny said
"Y/n,my name is Y/n"I tell him
"Lovely name"Johnny said smiling,I couldn't help but smile back at him. We stood in a comfortable silence for a few moments. The other extras went back to the set but I stayed put,it isn't everyday you get to stand with Johnny Depp
"So Y/n,how do like working on this movie?" Johnny asked, sitting down on the steps to the back of the catering truck
"Would you like my honest opinion?"I ask.

"Please" Johnny said
"It's really stressful,it's not the early starts or the late night's. It's the leading lady she is rude and bossy to the extras me included"I tell him
"I see,I had no idea that Milly is like that to you. I am sorry" Johnny said
"It's not your fault Johnny,it's her's"I say, Johnny put his cigarette out on the floor and I did the same.
"You know if every extra makes a formal complaint to the director,then he will have to replace Milly" Johnny said
"It's a nice though but she is the directors daughter"I tell him.

"Well if he doesn't remove her,then I will leave. I won't stand for someone bulling others" Johnny said
"Wow...that'"I said stunned at what Johnny had said
"I mean it Y/n,I will do it"Johnny said"Milly shouldn't bully anyone, especially you"
"Me..."I say
"You're a great actress Y/n you could be the lead actress"Johnny said
"I don't think so"I say, Johnny gets to his feet and holds out his hand to me
"Come with me"he said,I took the offered hand and Johnny pulled me to my feet
"Where are we going?"I asked as Johnny lead me away from the catering truck.

"To talk to the director"Johnny said. And that's what we did,only it didn't go the way Johnny had in mind. Instead of the director replacing Milly,he left the production instead. Luckily Johnny got his friend and director Tim Burton to take over the film. They both wanted me to take the lead,but I declined as rumours began to swril around set that I'm sleeping with Johnny. The rumour had started after the two of us had been seen together holding hands once.

Several years later I actually got the courage to go for a lead role in a film and got the part,to my even greater suprise I was nominated for an award for my role. I didn't actually get the award but I didn't mind. What I didn't expect to happen was for Johnny to contact me again asking to catch up. I invited him over to my home so we could talk in private
"Congratulations on getting that nomination"Johnny said
"Thank you,it's thanks to you Johnny that I even went for the lead role" I tell him
"You don't have to thank me Y/n,I was happy to help you out" Johnny said.

"I know but I'm greatful either way,I had great fun making that movie and made many great friends"I say
"Can I ask,why do people seem to think you and Milly are dating?" I ask Johnny
"The media likes to make up rumours about my love life all the time"Johnny said
"Like the time a rumour stated that we where sleeping together"I say
"Yeah...that was..silly"Johnny said going all red
"I didn't mean to embarrass you"I say
"It's fine Y/n...I er actually wanted you something" Johnny said nervously.

"Go ahead"I say
"I wondering would like to get dinner some time?" Johnny asked shyly
"You want to have dinner with me,why?" I ask, hardly believing what Johnny is saying
"You have always stood out to me,even when we first met I knew you would be special to me" Johnny said
"...I'd love to get dinner with you"I say going red myself
"I didn't think I would actually have the courage to ask you out"Johnny said
"How come?" I ask
"I didn't think a beautiful woman like you would like go out with a boring old man like me"Johnny said
"You aren't boring Johnny,far from it" I tell him

"Do you really mean that?", Johnny asked
"Of course I do,you are really amazing,very talented and really handsome"I say
"I'm not handsome but if you think so then I'm okay with it."

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