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A/n the reader is the sister of another character from the lone ranger. this is the character

After the lone ranger stopped Butch Cavendish and his brother,the rest of Cavendish's gang fled

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After the lone ranger stopped Butch Cavendish and his brother,the rest of Cavendish's gang fled. And now it is up to John,Tonto and I to catch them. Of course John the lone ranger,doesnt want me to join them in finding the gang,he'd rather I stayed in town with Rebecca and Danny,but I can't its to personal to me. Not only is Tonto my boyfriend but one of the gang members is my older brother.

Only Tonto knows this information, as I don't fully trust John that much. Besides I need to do this,I promised mother on her death bed that I would find Barret(a/n the brother) and bring him home or let him die,which may happen as he is a criminal. The three of us ride out of the town and into the dessert, we had got word that a couple of the guys are not to far out. I hope one is my brother.

"Your very quiet y/n,you ok"?" Tonto asks me
"I'm conflicted, I want to see Barret again but I know he isn't the same man anymore" I say
"We find him,you talk to him" Tonto tells me
"What are you two talking about?" John asks,riding beside us
"Nothing to concern you...yet" I say,riding forward on my own.

"Your girlfriend doesn't like me" John says to Tonto
"Make two of us" Tonto says to him. I stop my horse and look at the ground
"Fresh tracks" I say"Guys check this out"I call,the other two ride over to me and we all dismount our horses
"Two sets of tracks heading north,but no horses" John says.

"Could be Wendigo men" Tonto says glancing at me
"Let's follow them" I say and begin to walk
"Wait,it could be a trap" John says stopping me"You should stay here"
"Get out of my way John Reid,or I shall kick you in the balls" I threaten him,John steps out of my way with his hands up.

The three of us follow the tracks for some time,until Tonto speaks up
"What ahead?" We all look and see something on the floor up ahead of us. John pulls out his gun and me and Tonto take out knife's,mine is a gift from Tonto. We slowly make our way over to the thing,keeping an eye out for an ambush. As we get closer we can see it is a man. A man I know.

"Its one of Cavendish's men" John says, standing over him and pointing his gun at him. He nudged him with his boot and the man opens his eyes
"The lone ranger"the man says mockingly" Have you come to bring me to justice? "
"I'd rather you die,you kidnapped Rebecca and Danny" John says
"Not a good thing to do" Tonto says to John.

"He is a criminal" John argued
"He is my brother Barret" I say and the three men look at me
"You knew this?" John asks Tonto,who says nothing
"Y/n,look at you all grown up" Barret says to me
"Can't say the same to you,you ass" I say
"Is that any way to speak to your family" Barret says.

"Tonto is my family now,you stopped being my brother when you joined Lytham Cole" I spat
"I don't think mum would like you saying that to me" Barret says smirking
"She is dead you jackass" I shout at him
"What,since when?" Barret asks,the smirk leaving his face.

"She died last moth,and begged me on her death bed to find you" I tell him
"I hate to ruin this reunion, but we should be taking him back to town" John interrupts
"Fine,I did what I promised to do" I say and walk off away from my brother. I walk slowly to the horses
"Y/n" I hear Tonto call.

I stop and face him
"I wish I never found my brother, Tonto" I say,he pulls me into a hug
"You make promise" Tonto says
"I did,but he will be hanged and I'll have no one" I say sadly,Tonto looks down at me
"You have me" he says,before kissing me on the lips.

"Look at that,the Indian got him a girl,but the hero got no one" I hear Barret mock John"No wait sorry,you love your brothers widow,boy will that miss up the kid "
"Shut up" John says hitting Barret with his gun. But Barret just laughs at him. The three of us mount our horses and head back to town,with my brother being lead by John.vI could feel Tonto looking at me every so often.

Once back in town John took Barret to jail,whilst I headed home. Tonto would join me there soon. After caring for my horse,I head inside and sit down in a chair. Not long later is there a knock on the door,taking me from my thoughts. I stand up and open the door to Tonto
"How you Y/n?" He asks.

"Conflicted" I say as I head back to the chair and Tonto closed the door behind him as he follows me"I want my brother to pay for his crimes,but to be honest I don't want him to die,he is still my brother"

"Talk to John,might help" Tonto suggests
"I doubt it,it won't look good for the Lone Ranger to help a criminal" I scoff
"I talk to him" Tonto offers
"You would do that for me" I ask
"Yes,I love you" Tonto says

"I love you too Tonto" we sit and talk for a while until Tonto goes off to talk to John and I go and talk to my brother
"I didn't think you would want to see me again" Barret says
"I don't want to see you die,you're still my brother" I say
"A few hours ago I wasn't,what changed?" Barret asks.

"All our family is dead,and if you die I'm the only one left" I say
"I deserve to die,I broke the law" Barret shrugs
"So have I but I'm still here" I tell him
"Only cos of that Indian boyfriend of yours" Barret says
"His name is Tonto,and he has been there for me when you should have been"I snap.

"I'm sorry for everything sister,I only wanted a better life for us. And when I met Laythm Cole that's what he promised me" Barret says
"The only thing me and mum wanted was you to be home with us" I say. At that moment Tonto comes into the jail
"Trail tomorrow, to find crime" he says.

"What did he say?" Barret asks
"Your trail is tomorrow idiot" I say,Tonto nods
"I will do everything I can,so you won't die" I tell my brother
"How can you do that?" Barret asks
"By telling the truth."

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