Charlie Mortdeaci🥃

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If you had told me year's ago that I would be employed by a Lord I'd have laughed in your face,but here I am several years later in the employment of Lord and Lady Mortdeaci. Well technically I work for Lord Mortdeaci but I'm Lady Mortdeaci's female version of Jock - I was basically her bodyguard.

After the whole business with some missing painting it looked like the couple where happier than ever,but I was wrong because I am currently taking things out to the moving truck,for Johanna was moving out,and she had divorced Charlie. She left him for some guy called Martland. I personally didn't like this whole business,but I would do anything to get rid of her faster.

As me and Jock, Charlie's man servant are loading a sofa on to the lorry,Jock asks me
"What happens to you know Y/n?"
"Well she wants me to go with her,but I'd prefer to stay here" I tell him
"How come?" Jock inquires
" Cos she's a bitch and this place is...much more welcoming" I tell him truthfully
"True,but don't she own you" at those words I accidentally drop my end of the sofa, causing Jock to curse loudly
"Sorry Jock, you just gave me an idea." I tell him as I jump back out of the lorry and run back to the house.

As I'm running,I ran past Johanna and rounded a corner almost crashing right into Charlie
" Sorry sir,wasn't watching where I was going"
" Where are you going in such a hurry?" Charlie asks me
"To look for something" I reply
"Then I shall detain you no longer" Charlie says stepping out of my way.

I finally reach my room and go under my bed and pull out a box that held my spare gun and my contract. My suspicions were correct,then I heard Johanna call me
"Y/n time to leave" I charge back out of my room and jumped over the banister landing beside Jock, Charlie and Johanna,which caused Charlie to jump in fright
"Sorry sir" I tell him
"No not sir,you don't work for him anymore" Johanna says
"Actually I do"

I handed my contract over to Charlie who checked it over, whilst I said
"My contact states that I may be your bodyguard,but it is in fact Lord Mortdeaci who actually employs me and it's his signature on the paper,and since you're no longer Lady Mortdeaci,I don't have to go with you" I say proud.
Johanna snatched the contract and checked her self,once she saw I don't work for her,she stormed out the door.

"Well chaps,what shall we do now?" Charlie asks us
"I don't know sir" Jock tells him,they both look at me, so I say
"Jock you can either go have sex or clean the car,I'm going to clean the kitchen and sir you can..." I began but get interrupted
"Take care of my moustache?" Charlie asks like an over excited five year old
"I guess so" I shrug
"Excellent idea y/n" Charlie praised me,and hurries off upstairs to tend to his moustache.

A/n there's going to be a part 2

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