Edward Ratchett 1.

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Requested by Flame_of_Frost. Please leave a comment and vote so i know you have read this. Hope this is what you wanted, I added a bit of a twist at the end.

My journey on the Orient Express has so far proved pointless,you see I am a spy and my boss -Mr Barstow- wants me to get information from one of the passengers Edward Ratchett. Barstow seems to think he is a criminal called John Cassetti,but from what I have seen of Mr Ratchett so far I seriously doubt he is any sort of criminal,but in this line of work you never know. I mean sure the man is a bit of a flirt but what's wrong with that?

He isn't hurting anyone with it. But if I don't do my job Barstow will fire me,I need to get Ratchett alone and ask him about Daisy Armstrong and see what his reaction is. If Ratchett is Cassetti then I need to alert the police,even though there is a detective on board by the name of Hercule Poirot,he is only a consulting detective.

I make my way to the dinning cart at lunch time and sit down with a book and a cup of tea. I sat reading my book as people came into the dinning cart. I spoke to Mr Poirot as he enters the cart,it soon got to noisy in the cart so I picked up my book and made my way back to my room. Only before I got there a voice stops me
"The dinning cart no longer to your liking, Miss L/n?"

I turn back and see Ratchett in the door way of his own compartment, a glass of brown liquid in his hand and a small smirk on his face
"It is lunch time Mr Ratchett and naturally the dinning cart has got busy" I tell him
"You can dine with me,if you like" Ratchett says,leaning on the door frame. I decided to think about his offer
"That is kind of you Mr Ratchett,I accept" I say,this is just what I need.

"Excellent, I am quiet hungry" Ratchett says, his gaze trailing my body. I know fully well what he would like to eat and its not food,the idea made me flush red all the same. I followed him into his compartment and saw there is already a table for two set up
"Did you plan this Mr Ratchett?" I ask him
"Not at all,I was going to have dinner with McQueen but he has taken ill"Ratchett informs me,holding out a chair for me.

I sat down as he sat opposite me
"May I call you Y/n?" Ratchett asks me
"Isn't that a bit forward Mr Ratchett?" I say
"Maybe but you like a man who is forward, don't you" Ratchett says,I blush a lovely shade of red at his comment.

"What I like in a man is no concern of yours,Mr Ratchett" I tell him
"Please call me Edward" Ratchett says. He and I eat and chat casually, I try to think of away to bring the conversation around to why I am really here,but Ratchett does it for me
"Did you ever hear of the Daisy Armstrong murder?" Ratchett asks me
"No I didn't" I lie"Can you tell me"So he began to explain about the murder.

I have to say Ratchett is either a really good actor or he has no clue about the case
"Apparently people on this train knew the girl in question, and there looking for a man called John Cassetti" Ratchett finished
"Is that the murder?" I ask
"I think he is" Ratchett says"What sort of person would kill a innocent little girl?"
"A monster" I say.

Now after talking to Ratchett I'm not sure he has anything to do with this murder, but I doubt Barstow will like that outcome
"May I tell you something Y/n,just between the two of us" Ratchett says suddenly
"Of course you can Edward" I say
"I actually know John Cassetti" Ratchett says
"What?" I say shocked,maybe I was wrong about him being innocent.

"He is my identical twin brother, my real name is Edward Cassetti. I changed my surname to Ratchett years ago" Ratchett admits to me
"Do you know where Cassetti is now?" I ask
"No,I haven't seen him in years" Ratchett tells me
"I have a confession too Edward" I say"I'm a spy sent here by my boss to see if you had info about the murder or are the murder"
"Really,I thought you where a model,being so beautiful and all" Ratchett says winking at me making me blush again. Well I got the answer but not what my boss wanted.

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