Willy Wonka 2.

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Dedicated to Flame_of_Frost

After a rather hectic week at work,Willy has kindly said that me and Charlie could have the weekend to ourselves. I have only been working for Willy Wonka for a year and Charlie Bucket has been the heir for two years. I was hired to do all the paper work and take care of the shipping, which surprisingly I enjoy.

"So Charlie any idea on what you are going to do?" I ask the boy
"I'm not fully sure,what about Y/n?" Charlie asks in return
"Oh I'm going to do a Marvelathon of movies" I tell him,since working for Willy has given me more money than I had at my previous job,I finally have enough money spare to buy all the current Marvel films and can watch them in order
"May I join you?" Charlie asks.

"Sure you can" I say,we make our way to my room in the factory and I set up for the Marvelathon. I grab the stack of DVDs and a bunch of snacks and we sit down on the floor ready to begin"Now before we begin,I need to tell you something's "Charlie nods" First sometimes these movies can be adult in nature, they are 12 in rating, there is violence and some deaths,which I will cry at"I say.

"Okay, I'm ready" Charlie says. A few hours into our Marvelathon is their a knock on my bedroom door
"Come in" I call,the door opens and Willy walks in
"Sorry to interrupt, but my I have a word in private?" Willy asks me
"But Loki demands my attention" I say pointing to the handsome,raven haired god currently standing tall in Stuttgart.

"Please,this won't take long" Willy pleads,with puppy dog eyes
"...okay fine,Charlie please pause the DVD" I say and follow the candy king out of the door. Once the door is closed I say "This had better be important, to make me miss Loki"
"I'd like to discuss a recent discovery with you Y/n" Willy says
"Oh,what have you discovered" I ask excited "Is it a new chocolate flavor?"
"No its not like that" Willy tells me.

Now I'm confused
"Then what have you discovered?" I ask him
"I have discovered...some new...feelings" Willy tells me unsure
"Feelings?" I repeat
"Yes" I knew Willy didn't have great social skills or much interaction with people
"What kind of feelings?" I ask
"I'm not certain, but I get this weird feeling in my stomach and my hands sweat and my heart speeds up" Willy explained.

"Well it sounds to me Willy,that you have romantic feelings for someone" I tell the chocolate king
"Oh that's a relief,I though I was ill or something" Willy says
"Can I ask who these feelings are for,when do they happen?" I ask
"They happen around you Y/n,there happening now" Willy tells me
"Wait...what" I say"You...you have feelings for me?"

"It would appear so" Willy tells me,taking my hand
"But you hate contact" I say shocked
"Not with you my jelly bean" Willy says
"Wow... this just...wow" I say
"This is all new to me,so if I do something wrong please tell me" Willy says
"Just be yourself Willy,because that's who I like"

"Is it okay...would it be alright... if I kissed you?" Willy asks
"..." I nod,no words come out,I have always wanted to kiss Willy. I just never knew he wanted to kiss me. Since Willy is inexperienced, I close the gap and kiss him on the lips. Willy's lips are soft and taste of chocolate,for a beginner he is amazing at kissing. We break apart breathless.

"How was that?Did I do okay?" Willy asks nervous
"You did perfectly Willy" I reassure him "Now if you will excuse me,my god of mischief needs me" I walk back into my room and sit back on the floor,Willy comes over and sits beside me,placing his top hat and cane by the bed. We sit cuddled up together as Charlie smiles knowingly at us.

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