Johnny Depp 3.

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Today is the day I am going to start filming my first ever film role,I am a actress and up to this point I have only acted in TV shows such as BBC'S Merlin,Dr.Who and C.S.I Miami. I had auditioned for a role in Fantastic Beasts 2 but I didn't get the role at first,but then out of the blue I got a call saying I got the role after all. I am super excited and super nervous,I get to act in a Harry Potter spin off film and I'm in the same movie as Johnny Depp,my most favorite actor of all time.

I arrived on the set and am shown inside by a member of staff,I look around hoping to catch a glimpse of Johnny, but he wasn't around. I am lead into a room and the lady says
"Mr Yates will be with you shortly"
"Thank you" I say as the woman left. I couldn't even sit down due to my excitement and nervousness, I walked around the room and calmed down and by the time David Yates came to me I am only nervous
"You must be Miss Y/n L/n" David says
"Yep,that's me" I say.

I pulled out a chair but had yet to sit
"Now I know you auditioned for a role but didn't receive the part,but you where informed last week that we had changed our mind" David says
"That is correct" I say
"Well to be truthful that isn't fully true" Now I am confused "I remembered on your C.V it said you would love to star along side Johnny Depp"
"Yeah my mum put that on there" I say
"Well that is why we gave you the role" David tells me "Due to recent stories in the news about...Mr Depp's personal life...our original actress has quit,refusing to work along side Mr Depp".

Now I did sit down,my nerves died and anger replaced it. This dumb cow quit the film because of a bunch of lies a vile,evil bitch spread about Johnny
"We tried other actresses but we got similar answers each time,so I decided to contact your manager to offer you the role after all" David informs me. I didn't know what to think,I have always wanted to work with Johnny,but I never thought those lies would be the reason why
"When do I start?" I ask
"We have to get you fitted for your costume and your wand and then this afternoon you will film your first scenes" David tells me
"Okay then".

Time skip

I am in my trailer after getting my hair and makeup done and I just have to wait to be called onto the set. I pick up a book to read when there is a knock on the trailer door
"Come in" I call,the door opens and David walk's in
"Y/n I would like to introduce you to your co star" he says and behind him walks in Johnny Depp in full Grindelwald costume. The book I am holding instantly falls out of my hands and onto the floor
"Hello I'm Johnny Depp,although you already know that" Johnny says offering a hand.

I freeze in place at how gorgeous Johnny looks
"I'm...Y/n L/n" I say nervously shaking his hand
"Y/n breath" David tells me,I realized I am still holding Johnny's hand but I didn't want to let go,his hand is so warm and soft but rough and bigger than mine,I let his hand go and say
"Your Johnny Depp"
"So they tell me" Johnny says
"Oh my god,I love you so much,I'm a huge fan of your films and your music" I gush.

"Thank you sweetheart,I love to hear that from my fans" Johnny tells me smiling
"I'll leave you two to get to know each other" David says but I hardly him,after David leaves Johnny says
"Are you okay Y/n,you seem to be quiet red in the face" I nod frantically
"I'm fine...good..great even...your Johnny Depp" I ramble
"OK Y/n I'm going to need to you to calm down OK" Johnny tells me,putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry its just your the Johnny Depp,I have loved your work my whole life and I've always dreamed of working with you" I tell him slowly calming down,well as best I could in Johnny's presence. Johnny pulls me into a warm hug
"I'm happy to make your dream come true" Johnny tells me,he smells of Sauvage. We sit talking for some time Johnny asks what my favorite movies of his are,what movies that he isn't in I like and what I do in my spare time
"I worked on BBC's Merlin along side Colin Morgan,then I acted in Dr Who along side Matt Smith and recently I did a episode of C.S.I Miami" I tell Johnny.

"And this is your first ever movie role?" Johnny asks
"Yep,I did want to be in a Marvel movie but I couldn't decide if I wanted to be in a Thor movie to work with Tom Hiddleston or a Ironman film to work with Robert Downey Jr" I say
"Rob's a good friend of mine,I'm going to his premier next week and I can introduce you to him,if you would like" Johnny tells me
"You will introduce me to Ironman?" I ask excited
"Sure I don't mind" Johnny says.

"Wow your amazing" I say,Johnny looks at the floor and I think he is blushing but its hard to tell threw his make up
"Are you blushing there Mr Depp?" I tease
"A little bit,its not everyday a beautiful woman says I'm amazing" Johnny tells me"Especially with the press and..."Johnny says
"Stop right there,you are amazing and kind and caring and humble and a true gentleman,don't let anyone tell you otherwise" I say to him
"Now who is amazing" Johnny tells me
"Mr Depp,Miss L/n you're needed on set" a voice shouts from outside
"Let's make magic" I say,I think I'm going to love making this film.

Wow 1048 words, awesome.

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