Captain Jack Sparrow 4.

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Requested by arianator_4life who gave me free reign. Modern A.U

Today is one of those days where I don't want to do anything, I just want to relax all day. But my boyfriend Captain Jack Sparrow doesn't relax,so I have to find ways to keep him entertained that doesn't involve the bedroom all the time. Today we shall have a movie day.

Whilst Jack is still sleeping I sneak out of the house to find as many pirate related movies I can. I personally don't mind what we watch,but Jack always wants pirate themed movies because its Jack. After a few hours of shopping I find:Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists, Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy,Treasure Planet,Muppets Treasure Island, Peter Pan,Ice Age Congenital Drift and Sponge Bob Sponge out of Water.

Yes these are family pirate movies but there is less romance and more comedy which Jack loves. The only romance for Jack is between me and him,and then he becomes all romantic,cheesy but sweet. Surprisingly when I get back Jack is actually awake. He used to be up at dawn but now he loves to stay in bed longer.

"Morning love,where were you?" Jack asks me
"Good morning to you my Captain" I greet Jack"I got us some films to watch for the day."
"I like it simple easy to remember" Jack says,whilst I set up for the movies Jack sets up our seating area. Which consists of tons of pillows, blankets and plenty of snacks.

We sit down and I play the first movie,which is Peter Pan. Of course Jack complained because Captain Hook didn't win. Jack can really focus on a movie, its so cute when he does but other times he just likes to mess around and we end up having a pillow fight.

Captain Jack Sparrow is just a big child at heart and it is one of the best things about him,besides the obvious of him being the sexiest pirate ever. In the middle of our current pillow fight and because I am winning, Jack snatches my pillow and began to tickle me instead. Jack knows perfectly how ticklish I am and he loves to use it against me.

"Give up yet love?" Jack asks me
"Yes..." I say laughing, Jack stops his tickle assault. As I lay there catching my breath I just stare up at Jack
"See something you like aye" Jack asks smirking
"I was just thinking of a really handsome man,with beautiful brown eyes,tattoos, rings and a sexy deep voice" I say

"Thanks love" Jack says
"Johnny sure is gorgeous" I tease,the face Jack makes is priceless
"Who is this Johnny, I shall run him threw" Jack says
"He is you div" I laugh at Jack
"Oh you mean Depp" Jack says awkwardly.

"Yes Jack"I say. Jack sits cross legged and arms and pouts like a child. I roll my eyes and climb into Jacks lap,I wrap my arms around his neck
"You're sexy when your jealous" I tell him
"Love I'm Captain Jack Sparrow, I'm always sexy,savvy" Jack smirks
"Just kiss me Captain" and we sit and kiss,the movie long forgotten.

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