Gellert Grindelwald.(2)

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A/n mentions of a man hitting a woman.

If you asked most wizards if the dark wizard Grindelwald is capable of having feelings,they would tell you no- but that would be a lie. For Gellert did actually have feelings and they are for a woman who is one of his followers,called y/n l/n. And only a few people know this,but y/n did not.

However Gellert had a problem,y/n is in a relationship with a man called Ted Richards. Of course Gellert hated Ted,but decided that he would much rather y/n be friends with him, than have her hate him for causing the break down of her relationship.

I am returning to my room after being in a meeting,I am looking forward to relaxing with a good book and then to have a good nights sleep. I opened the door to my room and see my boyfriend Ted sitting on the bed waiting for me
"Where have you been?" Ted asked, he seemed angry
"I was in a meeting with Grindelwald and others." I tell him
"That meeting ended thirty minutes ago,where were you?" He demands,standing up and walking towards me
"Grindelwald was asking me how my teaching with Credence was going" I say quietly. Ted puts his hand around my throat and shoves me against the wall and says dangerously
"That had better be all your doing with that boy" I was struggling for breath,and was certain he was leaving a bruise on my neck. He releases me,I drop to the floor struggling for breath,where Ted then kicks me several times in the ribs,he grabs me by my top and hisses
"If you ever cheat on me,I will kill you" and then he hits me across the face,drawing blood.

After he left the room,I struggle to stand. My neck hurt,my ribs are more than likely broke and I have split lip. I left the room and decided to head to the infirmary,I hoped to not see anyone. I had made it a good way until, a door opens and a voice says
"Y/n? Are you all right" I turn slightly, hiding my face and see it is Credence
"Yeah...I'm good...just a little sick" I say,unfortunately at that moment my ribs hurt even more,and I cried out in pain. Credence hurries over to me and helps me walk
"I'm taking you to Queenie"
"No I..." I try,but he cuts me off saying
"With respect y/n,I'm not listening to you this one time"

On the way I explained what happened,once outside Queenie's room,Credence knocks on the door frantically, the door opens and Queenie looks between the two of us,says nothing and helps me inside. She healed my injuries the best she could,and I am now sleeping on her bed.

"Credence,what the hell happened to y/n?" Queenie questions the young man
"Ted attacked her for being late back from the meeting" Credence tells her,Queenie paced quietly,she stops and says to Credence
"There's only one problem?"
"Which is" Credence asks
"Who's going to tell Grindelwald that Ted attacked y/n?"

A/n there will be a part 2

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