Johnny Depp 😍

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I am sitting at home watching cartoons on DVD,I'm watching Scooby Doo. Yes I know it's meant for children,but I grew up watching Scooby Doo and I'm not going to stop now. I am enjoying the piece and quiet until I'm interrupted by a whining. I look and see my own Dalmatian Marshall, with his lead in his mouth.
"Just let me finish this episode buddy,then we will go out" I tell him,but he doesn't listen and jumps up on me,blocking my view
"Okay,I get the message"I put on my boots,grab my keys,put on Marshall's lead and head outside.

It is a warm and sunny day,so we went to the park. I let Marshall off the lead and he shot off. I am sitting on a bench,when I saw Marshall jump up on a man and knock him over.
"MARSHALL LEAVE HIM ALONE" I shout to the dog as I walk over,I notice the man looks familiar. It's only when I'm next to him I realize it is Johnny Depp.
"I'm so sorry about my dog,he's only a puppy" I say to the gorgeous man,my dog had knocked over
"No harm done" he tells me,I offer a hand to help him back up,which he excepts.

I couldn't help but check him out,he is wearing a black sleeveless top, light blue jeans and black boots. His sunglasses are attached to the front of his top,I found my self staring at his arms wondering what it would be like to feel them around me,my daze is interrupted by Johnny saying
"I'm guessing you're a fan of mine?"
"Your t shirt" I remembered I am wearing my Captain Jack Sparrow t shirt
"Oh,yeah... I'm a really big fan of your work" I say not really believing what is happening "Are you really Johnny Depp or am I suffering from heat stroke?" He laughs and says
"Yes sweetie,I really am him and you really are talking to me"
"Damn that smile" I think

He and I walk around the park together, watching from time to time Marshall charge about. Sadly thought he had to leave
"Well I guess I'll leave you to it, before Alice comes looking for me,wanting to know what's taking so long". I giggled at the mention of Alice
"What's so funny?" Johnny asks me
"I'm just thinking about that line from Dark Shadows" I tell him
"Oh, yeah that line. I had to pay for that for a good while afterwards." Johnny explains,and sure enough not a few seconds later we were joined by Alice Cooper himself
"Here you are. Chatting up a beautiful woman as usual" Alice tells Johnny
"No it's not like that..." Johnny starts but gets cut off by Marshall growling at Alice.
"Marshall be nice to the ugliest woman ever" I say to the Dalmatian
"Not that again" Alice complains, causing me and Johnny to laugh at him"Okay pretty boy let's go" Alice says walking off.

"Um this may seem rude but...will you let me know how you get on at the vets" Johnny says,I had told him on our walk that Marshall had to have an operation
"Sure,but how" I ask confused
"Simple" Johnny says and pulls out a Sharpie, gently grabs my arm and writes his number on the skin." That's how"
" you need my number?" I ask
"Sure" he hands me the pen,and I write my name and number on his arm.
"Thanks beautiful,I look forward to hearing from you" Johnny says kissing my cheek before walking off.

I just stand there staring at my arm
"Marshall" the dog looks at me at the sound of his name" You're the best dog in the whole world" I tell him,he just tilts his head to the side, and barks happily.

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