Gellert Grindelwald 7 part 3.

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"Then tell us" Gellert demands,Albus unfolds a newspaper I now notice he is holding and reads
"This seasons most eligible catch Gellert Grindelwald, is set to marry the eldest daughter of the L/n family" I look down at the floor,I knew my parents would never let me be free from them and finally have some happiness.

Whilst Gellert is talking to Albus about what has happened in town since he left,I quietly left the library. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts which are all over the place. I knew I should have asked Albus who he had in mind for me to marry,then I could have done some research and then I could have declined his offer.

If I only knew how much of a problem this was going to be,I would have stayed away from Gellert and let my parents betroth my sister to him. She is better off for him anyway. I walked into the living room and stood looking out the window. I think I should tell Gellert to forget about our betrothal and just be with my sister,guys like him don't belong with women like me.

The weather didn't improve my mood,even though it is lovely and sunny. I had hoped for rain,even the weather is against me. The living room door opens and a voice says
"Here you are,I wondered where you had gone to" it was Gellert, I didn't look at him. I hear the door close and the sound of Gellert's boots on the floor as he came over to me at the window.

"Why are you crying my dear?" Gellert asks,I hadn't realized that I was crying
"Don't call me that" I say,turning away from Gellert and the window. I walk over and sit on the sofa
"Why not?" Gellert asks, coming to sit beside me
"Because it gives me hope of a happiness, that I can not have" I say
"You will be happy with me" Gellert says,taking my hand.

"How can I be happy,my parents won't leave you alone until you marry my sister" I say
"They wanted me to marry you" Gellert reminds me
"Only because they did not know who you where" I say"If they had known,then they would never had agreed"I say sadly
"But they have agreed to this match" Gellert tells me
"I'm not worth it Gellert" I say.

"Y/n my dear,you are worth fighting with your parents for" Gellert says,turning my head to look at him"I'm not giving you up,not for your sister or your parents lies"
"What about society..." I try
"I don't care about what they say,all I care about is my happiness which I will be with you,if you still wish to be with me?" Gellert asks.

I thought about what Gellert had said,he is willing to keep fighting my parents about our future and is clearly determined to marry me. Maybe Gellert is right,it is time for me to be happy and away from my parents.

"Okay Gellert, I will still be with you if you think I am worth it truly" I say
"If I hadn't thought you where worth the fight Y/n,then I would have never come to meet you" Gellert tells me
"Thank you Gellert,it means a lot to me to know how much you care for me" I say,Gellert places a gentle kiss on my forehead, we would fight my parents and society together.

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