Johnny Depp 6.

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Requested by _Binsan_ I hope this is what you wanted.

Ah Christmas eve the last day before the big day its self,Christmas day. For most people it would be time to spend with there loved ones,but for me it is complicated. You see I'm in love with my long term best friend Johnny Depp. Yeah I know why would a gorgeous actor/musician like him want anything to do with me,when he can have any person he wants. That is why I haven't mentioned my feelings as I don't want to ruin our friendship.

I got busy cleaning the house as Johnny is coming to stay for the holiday as the airports are closed due to the snow. So I offered Johnny a room at my home. Its not often Johnny came to stay with me and each time he did it is always memorable. Hopefully this time Johnny doesn't cause to much trouble. Once the house is tidy I started on some food for us,as I know Johnny will be hungry from his journey.

Because I'm not a great cook I just made a pizza for us,once the pizza is cooking in the oven I hear a knock on the front door. I walk to the front door and open it to see Johnny standing there smiling whilst getting covered in snow
"John come in" I say to him
"Thank you Y/n" Johnny says,kissing my cheek as he walks inside"Merry Christmas"

"Merry Christmas to you as well John" I say closing and locking the front door. Whilst Johnny puts his stuff in the spare room,I check on the pizza and see it is cooking nicely. I hear Johnny come back down the stairs. I join him in the living room and see that he is eyeing the presents.

"What are up to Depp?" I says,causing him to face me
"I" Johnny stutters knowing he had been caught
"Being nosy"I tease him
"Okay you got me" Johnny says smiling, we sit down on the sofa and just have a catch up on everything that has happened since we last saw each other
"...I do love my job but they should have fixed the heating" I tell Johnny.

Johnny seems more distracted than he normally is
"You OK there Johnny, you're awfully quiet" I ask him,Johnny looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes
"To be honest Y/n,there is something bothering me" Johnny admits
"Can I help in anyway?" I offer
"I'd love for you to help me,but I'm afraid to say" Johnny says.

I move closer to him
"Tell me John,I promise to help in anyway I can no matter what" I reassure him,Johnny thinks it over before saying
"I love you Y/n" my eyes widen at his confession "I have been in love with you for years. I never told you as I didn't want to ruin our friendship" I couldn't believe it,Johnny loves me.

"Oh John,I love you as well"I tell him
"That's a relief" Johnny smiles"May I kiss you?"
"Yes" I say quickly making Johnny smirk,we lean in and share a gentle kiss. It is much better than I had ever dreamed of. We pull back and smile at each other before any of us spoke the fire alarm went off
"Oops I forgot about the pizza " I say and we both laugh before heading into the kitchen to deal with the food,I think this will be the most memorable Christmas yet.

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