Jack Sparrow and Gellert Grindelwald 2

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One of the best things about Saturday is not having to get up early and that is what I planned on doing today. Only one of my two house mates had a different idea. I turned over to get comfy when the bedroom door opened and someone walked in and came over to the bed.

"Wake up love" I hear Captain Jack Sparrow say
"What time is it?" I ask groggy
"6:30am love" Jack tells me
"Come back at 9:30am" I groan
"But love,we want to go to the beach" Jack complained
"We?what we?" I ask opening my eyes and I see Gellert Grindelwald stood in the door way.

"The pirate here told me about this beach and it has intrigued me" Gellert explained
"So its two against one is it" I say"Okay fine,we can go"
"Hooray" Jack shouts running from my room
"Did you have to encourage him" I ask Gellert as I sit up in bed.

"Sorry dear,but a change of scenery would be nice"Gellert tells me
" I suppose"I agreed, I got out of bed and did my morning routine. Packed a bag for the weekend and head down stairs to eat breakfast. I open the door to the kitchen and stop,Jack and Gellert aren't in there normal clothes. Jack is wearing a red Hawaiian shirt and blue shorts and Gellert is wearing a short sleeve white shirt and black shorts.

"What do you think love?'Jack asks once he saw me
"You two look great" I tell them
"What are you going to wear?" Jack asks me
"Clothes" I say sarcastically
"I think he meant,what are you wearing to the beach?" Gellert tells me
"T shirt and shorts" I say
"Allow me" Gellert says and he changes my clothes into a purple t shirt and avengers shorts.

After eating breakfast we get into my car and drive to the beach. Gellert wanted to apperate us but I said no as they had woken me up early. We arrived at the seaside town and booked into a hotel,well Gellert used his magic to get us a room big enough for the three of us. After seeing the room and Jack complaining about there being no rum in the room,we made our way down to the beach.

We picked out a spot on the beach and set up,there isn't to many people which is a surprise as it is nice weather
"I'm going for a swim,any one coming?" Jack asks
"Sure why not" Gellert says, I watched and Jack and Gellert took of there shirts and I had for try not to drool
"Coming Y/n?" Gellert asks
"...you boys go ahead.." I say unfocused.

I sat reading a book but must have dozed off as when I woke again,Gellert is sat beside me reading my book
"Gellert where is Jack?" I ask
"Around" Gellert says
"I gave him a metal detector and he went off to find treasure" Gellert tells me,closing the book.

"Oh okay,whilst I go for a swim go and find Jack and then we can go and get some lunch" I tell the wizard. After swimming I meet back up with guys.
"Find anything Jack?" I ask the captain
"I did,I found a ship in a bottle" Jack says"But someone said it was there's "
"What happened?"I ask.

" I buried him in the sand"Gellert says
"Aww Gellert you softie,helping your friend" I tease him
"I was looking for an excuse to bury someone" Gellert shrugs
"What shall we eat?" Jack asks
"Fish and chips" I say,the three of us packed up and headed to a nearby chipy,sat and ate lunch and then went for a wonder around the town. The change of scenery has been amazing.

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