Gellet Grindelwald 7.

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A/n in this no one has magic,people aren't at war.Warning horrible parents. S/n means sisters name.

I sat in the living room of my parents home listening to my long term friend Albus Dumbledore talk with my parent's, I had no clue why my parents had asked him to come
"Now Mr Dumbledore,we know you spend a fair amount of time with our daughter-so we wish for you to marry her" my father says abruptly. Albus chokes on his tea and glanced at me,I knew of his preference in partners and I'm not one of them.

"Mr L/n,I am a widower and have no need of a new wife" Albus lies
"Why not?we have no further need for that idiot" my mother said,it is normal for my parents to speak of me like this
"I do have a friend in need of a wife" Albus tells my parents
"Good he can have her then,when can you get him to take her?" My father asks.

"He is due in town later in the week,so you can meet him then" Albus says mainly to me
"I have the paper work here,take it to him and get him to sing it and bring it with him,when he comes for this idiot" My father says.

My parents leave the room
"Albus" I whine"Why did you help them?"
"Because Y/n,I don't like you being here any longer" Albus tells me"Trust me I won't have set you up with someone you won't like"
"As long as he treats me right" I say
"Of course he will."

I knew my parents wanted rid of me for sometime,but had not been able to find someone to take me,as they didn't provide a dowry. My sister on the other hand was given every luxury. S/n was my parents favourite as she was the beauty and I was not. S/n loved party's,gossip and afternoon tea,but I prefer to take walks,read books and care for animals. I just hoped this friend of Albus's would let me continue with my hobbies.

It soon came to Wednesday and Albus came back to visit
"Where is this friend of yours?" My mother asks
"He stopped at the local book store" Albus tells her
"At least he reads" I think
"Can we hurry this along,I have a ball to get ready for" my sister complained
"He should be here soon" Albus says.

And as if by magic,there is a knock at the door
"Ah that will be him" Albus says and goes to answer the door.I stand up nervous to meet this guy,Albus returns with another man.This man has platinum blonde hair and moustache, black boots,black leather trouser, a dark blue waist coat,white shirt and tie and a long black trench coat.

"Y/n,meet my good friend and your soon to be husband Gellert Grindelwald" Albus says to me,I miss the way my sister stares as he approaches me
"Delighted to finally meet you Miss Y/n, Albus has told me all about you" Gellert says,taking my hand and kissing the back of it.As he is closer I see he has a strong jaw line,sharp cheek bones and unique mis matched eyes.I feel my face heat up as he smiles at me.

"Mother this can't happen,she can not marry him" My sister screeches
"Why ever not my angel" my mother says,my sister snatched up a gossip magazine and shoves it at our parents
"All you need to know about this seasons most eligible, most handsome and most wealthy catch,Gellert Grindelwald" my mother reads
"Stupid magazine" I hear Gellert grumble.

My father looks from the magazine, to Gellert and back again
"Well in that case you can forget marriage to this idiot and marry S/n instead" I see Gellert look at Albus when my father called me idiot
"Why would I do that?" Gellert says"You insisted to betrothe Y/n to me and that is what is agreed, I have it in writing "
"Because our daughter S/n is the most sought after woman this season, its a win for all" My mother says.

"I fail to see how I win anything from marriage to your other daughter?" Gellert says
"A beautiful wife" my mother says
"Which I shall have in Y/n,I want a wife that is smart for intellectual conversation, who will challenge me and will not bore me" Gellert says
"It is common knowledge that S/n is a giggley air head and Y/n is a smart,kind hearted woman" Albus says.

"Then it is settled then" Gellert says,he leans towards Albus and says quietly "Let's collect Y/n's things,I don't wish to leave her with these people any longer"
"Agreed" Albus says,he guides me from the room and we head upstairs to collect my stuff.I lead them to my room and open the door for them and stay by the door,embarrassed not by having men in my room,but for what little there is.

Gellert's P.O.V

I look at the minimal stuff in the room
"Is this everything?" I say to Albus quietly
"It is,Y/n's parents never treated her right" Albus says"I'm surprised she even has this much"
"What sort of people treat there daughter this way?" I ask
"People that arent parents" Albus says.

I look over to the beautiful woman by the door and my heart aches for her.I had heard from Albus that she is a sweet and loving woman with a kind heart and is fierce, but had been let down by her parents. We collected all Y/n's things and made our way back down stairs,Albus took Y/n outside,only her father spoke to me.

"I hope you know how foolish you are being,by taking that one" he says to me"You will be ruined the moment you announce your engagement "
"I'd rather live in ruin with Y/n,than be with that giggling, air head of your eldest child,who clearly doesn't have a brain cell and would only care for my wealth like her parents" I say to him and leave the house.How Y/n has remained so kind with such horrible people, is a mystery to me.

If you would like a part 2,just ask.

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