Gellert Grindelwald 8 part 2.

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A/n the reference from the first part is "Lord Of the Caribbean" in reference to Jack Sparrow being one of the nine pirate lords.

A few weeks later

I'm thankful for gran allowing Prince Gellert to return to the castle,the only problem is mother and the blockhead. Lord Scamander however is a different matter,he doesn't know the dark prince so he doesn't have a opinion on him. The two of us are out taking a walk around the grounds
"What's on your mind,Newt?" I ask
"...hmm oh...nothing princess" Newt says
"I have said to call me Y/n" I remind him
"I know" he says.

"Is it a lady,on your mind?" I ask
"What no...the only lady...i-is you" Newt stutters
"Come on Newt we both no we are better off as friends, so is it a Lady?" I ask again
"Yes,a beautiful lady back at my home" Newt admits
"Then why are you here,why aren't you at home with this lady?" I ask him.

"Because my brother thinks I should marry you" Newt sighs
"Look Newt,its time you stood up to your brother" I say"Tell him to back off and leave you alone"
"If it was that easy" Newt says sad
"Look you like this woman?"
"And she likes you?"

"Then nuts to your brother ,go and get your woman and be happy" I tell him
"But what about you,Y/n?" Newt asks
"Don't worry about me,go get your Lady" I smile at him,Newt gives me a quick hug before running off to get his horse. I carry on with my walk,when I come across gran
"Hello granddaughter, where is Lord Scamander going in a hurry?" She asks.

"To get his woman" I tell her
"Well there is someone here to see you" gran winks at me,we round the corner and stood under a oak tree is the dark prince,his horse Midnight is eating the grass
"Where is mother?" I ask
"In town,so make the most of your time with him" gran says,before walking off. Upon hearing someone approach, Midnight raised his head and looks around. He see's me and trots over,almost running over the Prince.

"Hello Midnight" I greet the black horse
"Bloody horse,watch where your going" Gellert says joining us,Midnight snorts at him
"Boys be nice" I tell them,Midnight nudges me closer to Gellert with his nose before going back to eating the grass
"Gellert,its good to see you again"

"Good to see you as well,my dear" Gellert says,taking my hand and kissing it
"My mother and the block head aren't here" I tell him
"That's a relief, care to accompany me on a walk princess?" Gellert asks offering his arm to me
"I'd love to."

Gellert's P.O.V

The two of us walk slowly around the grounds in silence, it isn't uncomfortable. I glance behind me and sigh
"What's wrong?" Y/n asks me
"Midnight" I say,she looks and sees my horse following us again. The moment he sees Y/n look he comes straight to her for affection
"I think your horse fancy's me" Y/n laughs
"That makes two of us" I think"Do you have a apple?"I ask.

"Yes actually" Y/n hands me a apple from her pocket and I throw it as far as I can and Midnight runs after the fruit
"That should keep him busy for a while" I say,Y/n laughs again
"Midnight is like a dog,loves affection and chasing things"
"Sometimes I think be should be a dog" I agree.

Y/n P.O.V

We walk for a bit longer,and I notice that Gellert is looking at me every so often.
"Something on your mind Gellert?" I ask him,He stops walking and turns to me taking both my hands in his larger ones
"There is actually Y/n" Gellert begins"I know we have only been friends for a few weeks...but I want to know if you would allow me to..."
"Court me" I say for him.

"What?" Gellert asks
"Court me,what my mother calls it"I shrug
"Yes,that then" Gellert says
"Yes My Prince,you may" I say,Gellert smiles and kisses me on the forehead"Can I ask you something? "
"Of course"
"Now this is what Dumbledore has said,and I don't believe it...but do you have a history of lovers and unclaimed children?"

Gellert's P.O.V

Typical of that twatt to say something like that about me
"If I answer truthfully,will you tell me a truth in return?" I ask her
"Yes" Y/n says.

"The truth is I don't have history of lots of lovers or children" I start"Well because...please don't laugh at me...but imstillavirgin"I say quick
"I didn't get the last part" Y/n says
"I'm still a virgin,so I don't have kids" I say looking at the floor ashamed. Y/n places her hand onto my cheek,making me look at her beautiful face and eyes
"There is nothing to be ashamed of Gellert" she tells me.

"Most assume because of how handsome I am and the name,that I have a load of women,but I'm not like the other men in my family" I say"Now tell me a truth?"
"Well as you know it is time for me to marry,but there is more to it" Y/n begins"My gran is stepping down as queen and on my birthday I will be made queen,but I have to marry first."

Y/n P.O.V

"But wouldn't your mother be the heir" Gellert asks
"She should be,but gran says she is unfit to rule. Once I am married I will be named heir and then later in the year I will become queen and my husband, King consort" I say
"King consort?" Gellert asks confused
"I will make all the choices and the king will advice me" I say
"Makes sense,at least you get to chose" Gellert says.

"Yeah and if it was up to mother,she would have Dumbledore be that man" I say sad
"But the queen wants me" Gellert admits
"She does?"
"Before she brought you to me,she told me to court you and even if we don't fall in love then we will still get along" Gellert tells me.

"Is that why you want to court me?" I ask
"No that isn't it,I want to be with you properly" Gellert explained "You are someone I can see my self spending the rest of my life with"
"That's sweet Gellert" I say
"Well don't tell anyone about me being sweet,I have a reputation of begin tough" Gellert says. We head back to the oak tree where Midnight has returned to.

"I think I should leave,before I am seen" Gellert says stopping beside his horse
"Mother will have to except you soon enough" I tell him
"I hope so" Gellert says,we stand looking into each others eyes. Midnight nudges Gellert into me with his head
"Naughty horse" I say
"Maybe not" Gellert says,he leans down and kisses me on the lips. I'm shocked at first but soon melt into his arms. I hope I am doing it right, but Gellert doesn't seem to mind. We pull back from the lack of oxygen.

Gellert's P.O.V

"Come back soon,my Prince" Y/n says
"I will my princess" with that I mount Midnight and ride off,once out of earshot of Y/n I say to Midnight
"We are not going to compete for Y/n's affections" he snorts at me"Get your own princess."

There will be one more part to this.

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