Gellert Grindelwald 9.

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Inspired by AlexandraMalfoy462.

The biggest majority of Nurmengard castle is abuzz with excitement as there is to be a ball. It would a be a chance for all of Grindelwald's followers to be in one place at a time well there was a few exceptions, followers in the ministry or keeping tabs on people where not attending. Me and Queenie sat talking in the living room about the ball tonight.

"So Y/n,how are you feeling about the ball tonight?" Queenie asks
"I'm nervous as I'm not big on events like this,but excited to see more of..." I trail off
"Your crush"Queenie grins
"Yes him,I know he is normally really busy,so it will be nice to see him relaxed for once" I say.

"Don't forget to watch out for Nate" Queenie says. Nate Mitchell the so called 'Ladies Man' of the greater good,so called because since he joined he has slept with most of the women in the castle. Except for me an Queenie, Queenie isn't interested as her heart belongs to Jacob and me...well I have a thing for Mr. Greater Good himself, Gellert Grindelwald
"He can do one,he isn't my type" I tell her.

"No he isn't dark,dangerous and platinum blonde" Queenie giggles and I blush
"Anywho I'm off to the library" I say to Queenie. I walk down a corridor towards the library not paying attention,I round a corner and bump into someone, I just hope isn't Nate. I look up to apologize but the words die in my throat as I lock eyes with the man of my affections
"Ah Y/n,just the lady I am looking for" Gellert says.

"Yes sir" I say,trying not to blush at his close proximity
"I was wondering, that is if you are going, would you honor me with a dance this evening?" Gellert asks me,I couldn't believe it my crush has asked to dance with me, I want to jump for joy
"Yes...sure...okay" I manage to say,Gellert smiles at my answer
"I shall see you this evening then,my dear" Gellert says taking my hand and placing a kiss on my knuckles.

I know my face is burning hot at Gellert's action, I watch as he walks down the corridor and around the corner,only then do I jump up and down in happiness. I forgot about going to the library and walk back to Queenie in a daze. She watches as I plop down on the sofa,a gidy smile on my face
"The library isn't that exciting" Queenie says
"...I didn't go..." I say
"Are you feeling OK?" Queenie asks,feeling my hot cheeks.

"Yeah..." I sigh happily
"You saw Grindelwald, didn't you?" Queenie says quietly as Vinda had entered the room
"He asked me for a dance" I say excitedly, bouncing in my seat
"That explains your expression" Queenie says
"What sad person asked you to dance?" Vinda scoffs
"At least a gentleman asked me,and not some fuckboy" I snap at her.

"For your information L/n,Nate cares about me" Vinda says
"He says that to all women and then forgets them" Queenie adds,the French woman goes to argue but storms off instead.

Time skip to ball.

I stood in my room brushing out the none existent creases in my dress
"Y/n stop fussing" Queenie says to me
"Sorry...I'm just nervous" I tell her. My excitement had turned into nerves as the day had progressed
"Don't worry Y/n,you will be fine" Queenie reassures me
"I hope so"

The two of us reach the ball room and walk inside. The room is crowded and I could see a large group of women,no doubt surrounding Nate. Me and Queenie stand talking after getting a drink,she promised to stay with me for now. I was about to take a drink of juice when I see Gellert approaching me. Queenie noticed my lack of attention and followed my gaze. Gellert stops in front of us
"Good evening ladies" he said, offering me a hand.

"May I have this dance?" Gellert asks,Queenie takes my drink and nudged me closer to the hot platinum blonde male
"I don't think so,she is dancing with me" The voice of Nate says
"In your dreams boy" Gellert glares at him
"In your dreams old man" Nate says offering me a hand. I take Gellert's hand and he leads me to the dance floor.

"What?" Nate says in disbelief "No one says no to me"
"Well Y/n just did" Queenie tells him,before walking off. As I walked further, my nerves got worse. Gellert stops and turns to face me
"Are you alright my dear?" He asks
"...just nervous" I say,trying not to looking into his eyes. Gellert smirks and deliberately steps closer to me,lifting my head up to look at him
"Do I make you nervous?" Gellert asks his voice low.

His close proximity and the way he is looking at me,make me weak at the knees
"Very" I say quietly
"Good" Gellert says next to my ear,making me blush even more. Gellert moves back a little but only to take my hands in a dance position. In that moment there is only me and him,everyone else faded into the background as we began to dance. I wasn't even aware that I stood closer to Gellert than was needed or all the pointing and whispering at the two of us.

Sadly the music ending and so did the dance with my crush. My nerves turned to sadness as I reluctantly let go of Gellert's hands and stepped back from him
"Where are you going?" Gellert asks
"Don't you have others to dance with?" I say sadly
"Why would I wish to dance with anyone else,when I have the best lady here" Gellert tells me.

Gellert leads us to the side and we sit down together
"Would you care for a drink?" Gellert asks
"Please" I watch as Gellert walks off,but a voice says
"I didn't think he would ever leave" I looked and saw Nate
"Excuse me" I say,Nate grabs my wrist and drags me to my feet
"Let go of my you jerk" I say.

"Its just one time" Nate says
"No" I say,Nate bumps into someone
"Get out of..." The words die in his mouth as he sees who is in his way,a angry Grindelwald. He grabs Nate by the front of his shirt
"The lady said no,so I suggest you unhand her before I make you" Gellert said dangerously. Nate let's go of my wrist and I hold onto it in pain.

Gellert let's go of Nate
"Get out of my sight" Nate glares at Gellert before storming off. Gellert's expression softens as he looks at me. He places a hand onto my back and leads me onto a balcony for privacy
"Let me see you arm" Gellert says softly,I show him my arm and their is a nasty bruise where Nate grabbed me
"I should kill him for touching you" Gellert says,he gently kisses my wrist and the bruise fades as does the pain.

"Thank you" I say,Gellert's hand leaves my wrist and takes my hand instead. His free hand rests on my burning cheek. I lean into his cool hand
"Y/n do you like me?" Gellert asks
"In what way?"
"A romantic way"
"... I do" I say quietly
"I knew it" Gellert says,before leaning in and kissing me on the lips.

Gellert's lips are soft and cold against my hot ones. I let go of his hand and put my arms around his neck as I kiss him back. Gellert puts his hands onto my waist and pulled me closer to him. Sadly we have to pull back to breath, but I stay close to him. I knew my face is bright red,but in that moment I didn't care.

"Thank you for choosing to dance with me and not Mitchell" Gellert says to me
"You're welcome, men like that aren't my type" I tell him
"I'm glad,do you wish to stay here longer or go back inside?"
"I don't mind as long as I am with you."

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