Characters 1(part 2 1/2)

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A/n after the request of Joliedeppgrande21 I will be adding a bit extra from part 2.this sits after where Gellert talks to Y/n outside and before the next day. so hear goes.

"Nah,we're all in this together. We have to support each other"I say,looking up at Gellert,he smiled at me"See I said I could get you to smile". We head back inside and sat in the kitchen,just talking about random things. At some point Willy entered the kitchen to make himself and Edward coco before bed

"So Willy got any new flavors of chocolate yet?" I ask
"No not yet,I seem to be out of ideas" Willy says,sadly
"Why not do strawberries and cream,since its the summer" I suggest
"That's a wonderful idea,Y/n" Willy says cheerfully.

Threw out the talk I had with Willy,I could feel Gellert watching me. After Willy left,I turn to Gellert to find him still looking at me. There is something about the way he is looking at me,but I couldn't figure it out
"So Gellert,what's going on in that amazing mind of yours?" I ask curious
"Hmm did you say something?" Gellert asks, seeming to snap out of a trance
"You OK,Gellert?" I ask,I could see him hesitating,which is not like him
"I have something on my mind" he tells me
"You can tell me anything you wish to,I promise I won't tell anyone else"

Gellert is silent for a few seconds then he says
" you Y/n...more than a friend" well this is unexpected
"How long have you felt this way?" I ask
"A few weeks,I was...scared to tell you" Gellert says,nervously
"Awww Gellert,I wish you had told me sooner" I say,taking his hand
"Why,are you with someone?" Gellert asks
"No silly,I mean I like you as well" I say smiling at him,I lean closer to kiss him bit get interrupted by a scream.

"What was that?" Me and Gellert say at the same time,we stand up and head into the living room,to see Ichabod stood on the table looking scared
"What's the matter,Ichabod?" I ask
"Sp...spi...spider" he stuttered, pointing. I look and see a common house spider on the floor
"What's the noise?" Jack asks,walking into the room
"A spider" Gellert says,going to pick up the spider
"And I thought you lawmen were fearless" Jack smirks"I'm not scared of anything ".

"Really?" Gellert asks
"Really,mate"Jack says,Gellert walks over to him
"Kraken" Gellert says to Jack,who runs out of the room shouting
"I need land"
"Does he not realise we are on land?" Gellert asks
"Apparently not" I say,I walk over to Ichabod on the table and offer my hand"Its okay,you can come down now"he takes me hand and I help him off the table
"You must think I'm a coward" he says sadly
"Not at all,we all have our fears" I say,and hug the detective.

I hear Gellert cough,I let go of Ichabod and roll my eyes at Gellert
"Jealous much?" I smirk
"Never" he says. The three of us head out of the room and head upstairs,as I pass Mort's room I say
"Go to sleep Morton,or I will take your laptop away" I hear him mumble something,but he listens. I got to my room and turn back to Gellert
"Shouldn't you be going to sleep?" I say
"Probably, though there is something that can help" he says
"Can I help in anyway?" I offer
"I don't know,we shall have to see" Gellert says,he closes the small gap between us and he kisses me.

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