Mort Rainey 📖

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I woke up in bed alone, I stretched yawning,my handsome boyfriend must already be awake or didn't sleep much last night. I do my morning routine then head down stairs to find Mort. He's sitting on the sofa,his hair sticking up,his glasses on his face and already eating Doritos.
"Morning bookman" I greet him,he doesn't hear me so I snatch his Doritos from him.
"I was eating those" he says finally looking at me
"Well good morning to you to" I say sitting on his lap he goes to kiss me but I cover his mouth saying
"No kiss until you brush your teeth mister"
"Why? I'm not going out? Mort questions me
"Think again bub,you said we were going out today,for the whole day." I say standing up and grinning,Mort falls off the sofa dramatically
"But babe..."
"Don't but babe me,now go brush your teeth" some times Mort is such a child.

"Fine" Mort says from the floor" help me up" I go over to him and offer a hand,which he takes but before I can pull him up,he pulls me down and kisses me.
"Git" I say against his mouth
"Love you to" came his mumbled reply. His hands wander down my back,but I pull away saying
"Naughty author,no treat for you" and I stand up, he follows pouting.

Eventually he looks presentable for the outside world. His hair brushed,his teeth clean and wearing clothes not pyjamas.
"Is this better my lady?" He asks,I look him up and down and say
" Yes my good man,let's go."
"One hour and that's it" Mort says as we get into his jeep
"No you promised all day" I say crossing my arms
"Two hours final offer"
"You stay out all day like a good boy and you can have your treat when we get back" I say running my hand threw his hair. He steals one more kiss and says
"You're a wicked woman"
"I try, so deal Mr.Rainey?" I question
"Deal Miss L/N".

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