Johnny Depp 4 part 3.

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It has been a couple of years since I got talking to John on the internet and found out that I was really talking to Johnny Depp the whole time. After we met up outside Fangtasia we became close friends, keeping in regular contact. And then last year my dream came true as Johnny asked me to be his girlfriend,I could not believe it. I even became a author like Johnny suggested of young adult books about paranormal romance. I'm a currently on my very first book tour with my new book 'Loves Bite's'.

Since Johnny is busy filming and I'm on my book tour we had to make do with calling each other daily. Of course the world does not know of our relationship yet only close friends and family. Johnny wants his fans to know because there very important to him,which I know being a Depphead myself. But I'm scared,on the one hand his fans will be happy to see Johnny happy again,but on the other I don't want any hate. Even though Deppheads are very supportive of Johnny's relationship's,there are some really crazy ones that aren't.

I am on my way to my next book singing when the car broke down and I have to wait for it be fixed,yay me. I am sat at a small cafe drinking tea when suddenly my eyes are covered
"Guess who?" The deep male voice says
"Is it my lover Jack?" I say knowing who it is
"Nope" he says
"Then its sweet Edward"
"Guess again"
"OK its my other lover Gellert"
"Last guess"
"Rango" I giggle.

The hands move and Johnny sits beside me
"Really Rango"he says"He is only a little lizard"
"I know" I say"What are you doing here?"
"I'm filming close by" Johnny says"What about you?"
"Car broke down" I say
"Let's go for a walk" Johnny says,seeing his co stars appear.

Me and Johnny walked for a bit catching up on what we had missed
"...and my latest book on Wattpad is a hit" I say
"Let me guess,a new Grindelwald book?" Johnny teases"Isn't that your twentieth book about him?"
"No cheeky, the dashing dark wizard doesn't get enough love,so I'm spreading it for him"
"Aww that's sweet of you Y/n" Johnny says"I'm sure he would appreciate it"
"Speaking of appreciating things, where's my kiss?" I ask"I haven't had one from you for some time"
"We had that whole day in bed together kissing and...other...stuff" Johnny says embarrassing himself, I giggle at his cuteness.

"You're to darn cute" I say putting my arms around his neck"Now my sexy pirate wizard kiss me"
"As you wish my dear" Johnny says the first part as Jack and the last part as Gellert. We stand kissing about fifty feet from the cafe,and my god of mischief have I missed Johnny's lips. We stayed like that for some time,neither wanting to stop. Until a annoying thing called oxygen forced us to stop
"Now that was a kiss" I say breathless.

Next day.

The next day I'm sitting in my hotel room bored when Johnny calls
"Hey sexy,what's up" I say
"Just wanted to make sure my beautiful baby girl is going to watch me on the show?" Johnny asks
"Of course I will be" I tell him
"I will call after the show is done,love you sweetheart"
"Love you too Mr handsome"

I'm sat watching Johnny talk to the host about his new movie
"So Johnny, any new ladies in your life?" The host asks
"No" Johnny says quietly
"Well we know that is not true" The host says"Just look at these photos"and the big screen behind them shows a picture of me and Johnny from yesterday at the small cafe talking, the next picture is of us walking and the third picture is of me and Johnny kissing and the crowd goes crazy at the picture.
"We'll be back after this break".

Johnny's P.O.V

I sat looking at the picture as the show went to a break,I didn't even know we had been photographed yesterday. This is not how I wanted the world to know. I pulled out my phone and called Y/n
"Hi Johnny"
"Y/n I had no idea we where caught yesterday" I say
"Its fine Johnny,the world had to know at some point" she says
"Yeah but not like this" I say.

"Just tell them and get it over with" she tells me
"If your sure?" I ask
"I'm sure,I love you Johnny"
"I love you too Y/n" I end the call
"Welcome back everyone" the host says"So Johnny what do you have to say about these pictures? "
"Well that is me and my girlfriend Y/n L/n" I say
"The author of Love Bites?" The host asks
"The same" I say.

I answer a couple more questions about Y/n
"Well you too make a cute couple and that kissing picture broke the internet" the host tells me. I didn't hear what else they said as I am thinking of my beautiful girlfriend "...Also don't forget to go out and bye Love Bites,thank you and good bye"the show ended and I headed back stage. For the rest of the day I was bombarded with calls to appear on different shows with Y/n,I declined them all. This is our relationship not a media circus,the ones I'd like to hear from are my beloved fans. Y/n texted saying my fans had been messaging her threw her social media showing there support. I love my fans.

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