Johnny Depp 13.

194 12 7

(a/ another birthday special)

Normally on lovely sunny day I don't like staying at home and doing nothing, but because today is my wonderful husband's birthday and he requested that we stay put this time. Despite the sunshine outside,we have the living room curtains closed but the windows are open and a gentle breeze blows the curtains every so often. Johnny is sat one end of the sofa and I am sat the other,we are only sat at opposite ends as it a little to warm to be sat close together.

"As you have asked that we don't do anything today,what are we going to do? I asked Johnny
"I don't know love,I was kinda hoping that you might have some ideas" Johnny said
"Well it's too warm for anything I can think of" I said
"Dirty girl" Johnny said
"I meant cuddles,dirty man" I said teasingly, Johnny smiled at that.

"We can still cuddle if you want,a little heat shouldn't stop us" Johnny said, I moved to where Johnny is sat. He wrapped his arms around me as I rested my head on his chest
"Besides you are far hotter than the weather"I said, I heard Johnny laugh at that
"I didn't know I am hotter than 35 degrees " Johnby said
"Babe you are hotter than the sun" I said looking up at him.

"My love that isn't possible " Johnny said gently tapping me on the nose
"It is possible, you're Johnny Depp that's how it's possible." I said smiling at him
"You're adorable,do you know that" Johnny said
"You're adorkable" I said,this made Johnny laugh again. I like saying things like that,I know that it will always make Johnny laugh
"Oh Y/n,you are one of a kind" Johnny said.

"Takes one to know one sweetheart "I said" Now how about we eat some cake and watch some movies?"
"Alright but as long as they aren't my movies " Johnny said
"I save those for when you are on tour or filming " I said, neither of us moving from our place on the sofa. We sat there for a few minutes in comfortable silence
"To be honest Y/n, I want some birthday cake but I don't want to move" Johnny said
"I was thinking the same thing" I agreed
"Let's stay put then, the cake isn't going anywhere any time soon."

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