Jack Sparrow and Gellert Grindelwald 7.

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There isn't much than can top a lazy day with your friends,and that's what me and my two best friends Jack and Gellert are currently doing. Laying in the back garden watching the white fluffy clouds move about the sky, Jack lay to my right pointing out the various shape's of clouds he could see. Some really obvious and some ridiculous just to make me laugh. Gellert lay to my left sunbathing, with his arms crossed behind his head, sunglasses on his face. He lay in his white shirt and normal black trousers, it is far to humid a day to be wearing his long coat and leather trousers.

"Look at that one luv,it looks just like a bottle of rum" Jack said to me
"Can you not think about rum for five minutes?" Gellert asked
"Where would the fun in that be mate" Jack said back
"If you are heading inside to get some rum,can you bring me a drink as well please?" I ask Jack
"Anything for you love" Jack said,he got to his feet and walked into the kitchen as it backed onto the garden. Gellert and I lay in silence,it is then that I noticed something off about the sky. All the clouds that Jack and I had been looking at seemed to disappear if they moved over towards,where Gellert is.

"Gellert did you do something to the clouds?" I ask the wizard
"Might have,why?" Gellert asks
"The clouds seem to disappear when they go towards you" I tell him
"Well I can't enjoy the sun if the clouds are in the way now can I" Gellert said
"Fair point" I said,just then Jack came back out of the house carrying three bottles. One no doubt is his precious rum.
"Here love" Jack said handing me a bottle of my favourite drink"Oi Blondie"Jack said tapping Gellert's foot
"Well isn't this lovely,the pirate has brought me a drink" Gellert said sitting up.

"I knew you would moan other wise" Jack said handing over the bottle
"Last time I did ask,you threatened to pour it all over me" Gellert said,taking off his sunglasses
"That was on me G" I tell him"I dared Jack to do it,I wanted to get back at you for turning my hair bright green for a month "
"You shouldn't have took my wand off me" Gellert said
"Why does it matter, you can do magic without it" I point out
"I know Sweetheart, it was just for fun"
"Ha like you know how to have fun Blondie" Jack said.

Gellert didn't answer Jack, instead he took a drink from the bottle Jack had given him,but spat it straight back out
"What did you do that for?" Gellert asks,glaring at Jack
"Weren't me mate" Jack said
"It was me" I say laughing "I hadn't given up on getting back at you"
"Well played Y/n" Gellert said"What is this anyway? "
"Just soy milk" I say
"Now wonder it tasted sour" Gellert said,making the bottle disappear.
"I thought you liked milk?" Jack asks sitting back down
"Yes when it is normal milk and made into chocolate" Gellert said to Jack.

"Our wizard has a sweet tooth for chocolate Jack" I say"Just ask Wonka,he sends Gellert a lot of chocolate each week"
"Its each month actually" Gellert said matter of factly"I'm sort of his unofficial taste tester"
"What?" Jack asked confused
"What he means Jack,is anytime Willy makes new chocolate Gellert try's it before it hits the shops and gives his opinion on it" I explained to Jack
"And if I don't like it,it doesn't get sold normally" Gellert adds
"Meaning?" I ask him
"Sometimes Wonka listens to me other times he doesn't. I think that is Johnny's doing" Gellert said laying back down on the grass.

"Its nice to know you have a hobby G,that doesn't involve playing pranks on me" I say to the wizard
"Thank you Darling" Gellert said
"I don't know how many times I've told ya mate,but Y/n is mine" Jack said
"Keep telling yourself that Sparrow and one day you might believe it" Gellert said smugly
"Come on boys,don't start this again" I tell the pirate and wizard"Let's just enjoy the peaceful afternoon."
"Yes Luv"
"Only for you my dear."

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