Characters 2 Birthday Special.

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A/n this is part 2 to characters 2
A few days later

With Y/n busy with work the characters had time to get everything they needed for there plan. The plan is for Y/n's birthday and the characters are throwing a surprise party for her. Tarrant had gotten plenty of games, Dean had got the music,Ichabod had gotten Willy Wonka to make the cake and now all that is left to do is for Jack and Gellert to distract Y/n whilst the other set up.

Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up on the morning of my birthday feeling relaxed after a heard week at work. I did my morning routine and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. Strangely though, when I got to the kitchen there is only Jack and Gellert in there
"Morning guys" I greet them
"Good morning Darling" Gellert says smiling
"Morning love" Jack says also smiling.

"What are you two smiling at?" I ask them
"Its your birthday, so we are happy for our friend" Gellert says
"So what do you want to do love?" Jack asks me
"I haven't really thought about it" I tell them as I sit down in between them at the table and eat breakfast
"Let's get out of the house for a few hours" Gellert suggests.

"But its cloudy" Jack complained
"Jacks right G,it could rain" I add
"Not a problem" Gellert says,with a simple spell the clouds are gone,the sky is blue and the sun is shinning brightly"Is that better my birthday girl?"
"Pfft show off" Jack pouts
"Okay you will,let's go" I say standing up. I put on some foot wear and the three of us head out of the house.

"So G,where are we going?" I ask the dark wizard
"Anywhere you like my dear" Gellert tells me
"Let's walk for now and see where it leads,sweet lady" Jack says not to be out done on cute names for me
"Good enough for me" I say. Considering the sudden change in weather, there aren't many people around.

"Where is everyone?" Gellert asks
"They knew you where coming, so they ran off" Jack jokes
"Ha ha very funny Sparrow" Gellert says sarcastically
"Boys,be nice" I tell them. Eventually we came to the cinema and we all agree to go and watch a movie together to waste some time.

A few hours later

"I still say that movie needed pirates" Jack says as we leave
"It wasn't even a pirate themed movie Jack" Gellert says
"Let's look in some shops" I say leading the pirate and wizard towards the shopping center
"Let's get Rum" Jack said
"Sure wait here" I leave Jack and Gellert outside a shop and head inside.

I come back out of the shop a few moments later with Jack's 'Rum'
"Here Captain of my Heart,your rum" I say handing Jack a packet of Wine Gums
"What's this?" Jack asks eyeing the sweets
"Your rum,these sweets taste actually like the alcohol" I explained
"Sweets and Rum,I'm surrounded by children" Gellert says.

"You know Dark Wizard Of my Life,they personalize chocolate as well" I say slyly to Gellert
"I care for no such treat" Gellert lies
"That's a lie,you love chocolate" Jack says smug
"Shh Sparrow" Gellert says as heads into the shop
"Aww he is adorable" I say
"I'm the cuter one" Jack says confidently.

"You are both as cute as the other" I say
"Do I want to know what cute things,you two are talking about?" Gellert asks coming back out of the shop with plenty of chocolate
"I was just telling Jack how cute you both are" I explained to Gellert
"Not this again" Gellert says
"You're my adorable husky puppy" I tell the wizard.

"Let's go home" Gellert says, we apperate back inside the house and strangely it is all dark
"What's going on?" I ask,the lights come on and the other characters say
"Happy Birthday Y/n"
"I knew you lot where up to something" I say
"We wanted to do something nice for your birthday" Dean says.

"We all helped" Ichabod adds
"We all worked very hard" Tarrant says
"I know you did Tar" I say
"I want cake" Jack says loudly
"Mind your manners Jack" Willy Wonka says
"Fine,please may I have cake" Jack asks
"Jack Sparrow saying please,that must be a first" Sweeny Todd smirks.

"Captain Jack Sparrow,if you please Sir" Jack corrects the barber" And I say please all the time"
"Name five times?" Gellert asks him
"..." Jack couldn't answer that one
"Let's just have cake any way" I announced. Dean puts on some music in the background as we all sit down at the table,Willy brings over the chocolate cake.

"No one sing happy birthday" I say looking at Jack,who has his mouth open
"What,ol Jack doesn't sing" Jack says
"You sing a pirates life for me everyday" Gellert says
"Not true... Its every other day" Jack argues
"Let's cut the cake and eat" Sweeny says impatient
"Moody pants" Jack mumbles,but Sweeny still hears him.

"Care for a shave Pirate?" Sweeny asks Jack
"Nah,I like me beard" Jack says twirling his beard
"What do you wish for Y/n?" Tarrant asks
"Well I'm already here,but if you have any other wishes I'd be happy to make them come true" Gellert tells me
"Well I would love to see Johnny today but..." I begun.

There is a crack indicating Gellert didn't listen
"How rude,he didn't let you finish" Ichabod says,a second later Gellert reapers with a confused looking Johnny Depp holding a paint brush
"G,I didn't mean for you to actually steal Johnny,I was going to call him later" I say
"This is easier" Gellert shrugs.

"Happy birthday sweetheart" Johnny says
"Thank you Johnny" I say going over to him and giving him a big hug,even though he is covered in paint"I think there is note paint on you than anywhere else"
"That's Gellert's fault,he surprised me" Johnny says
"Birthday's are about surprises" Gellert defends.

"Care for some cake Johnny?" Willy says
"Yes please" Johnny says politely, we turn around and see the cake half gone and Jack with a large piece half way to his mouth. Jack noticed us looking at him and says
"Parley" we all just laugh at our pirate friend, and help ourselves to the rest of the cake.

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