Gellert Grindelwald 7 part 2.

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A/n sorry if this isn't as good as the first part.

It has been two whole wonderful weeks away from my horrid parents and rude sister. I still find it hard to get used to the fact that I now live in a large house called Nurmengard. Sadly though my betrothed Gellert is stuck in town,trying to keep my parents from trying to go back on there agreement about us. They don't like the fact that they won't get any money from Gellert.

I have the house to my self until Gellert comes home, I've seen Albus a couple of times since leaving my parents. I spend most of my time in the library,there is loads of books I have never read before. I haven't even had the chance to get to now Gellert as he is busy,but will return once he is done. I sat on one of the sofas in the library, reading a book of Shakespeare. I'm so engrossed in my book that I fail to hear the library door open and some one approach me.

"I thought this is where I would find you" I hear a man's voice say,making me jump. I look up and see Gellert
"Gellert, you startled me" I say
"Apologizes about that my dear" Gellert says"I am pleased to inform you that I have finally dealt with your parents and they won't get any money from me"
"How did you manage that?" I ask.

"Charm and persuasion" Gellert says"And I had to agree that they could attended our engagement ball next week"
"Next week?" I say shocked"But...I don't know you that well"
"Not to worry,it is only the announcement, the actual wedding won't be for quite some time" Gellert reassures me
"So did you get me a ring?" I ask.

"Eager are we" Gellert grins
"I..its..I've never had my own jewelry before" I say sadly
"Well my dear I do have a ring,I think you will love" Gellert says,reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small black box. He sits beside me and opens the box and inside is a simple but beautiful diamond ring
"How do you know it will fit?" I ask
"I guessed"

For the next week I got to know Gellert as best as I could before our ball. I know a week isn't enough but it will have to do. I learned that we had a lot in common, so we would get along perfectly in the long run. On the morning of the ball me and Gellert are checking the ball room to make sure it is all ready
"Well it looks like it is all ready" I say
"That it does" Gellert says,we leave the ball room and head to the library.

"I have a gift for you my dear" Gellert says to me
"Oh and what do you want in return?" I ask
"Who says I want anything in return?" Gellert says,I just gave him a look"Okay I do want something from you"
"What?" I ask cautious
"A simple kiss from my future bride" Gellert says.

"You me?" I ask sitting down
"Yes,I would rather not wait until our wedding day,as your lips are rather tempting" Gellert says causing me to blush
"Well...this gift has got to be worth it" I say
"Don't worry dear,by the time I'm finished kissing you,you won't want the gift,you will be more interested in kissing me more" Gellert tells me smug.

"You're that sure of your self are you?" I smirk
"I've never had a complaint" Gellert says confident
"What,from your self?" I tease,Gellert moves closer to me and says
"Woman if you have nothing nice to say, then I shall make better use of your pretty mouth"
"Impress me then" I say,I sure had a lot of confidence for never being kissed by a man before.

Gellert excepts my challenge as in the next second his mouth is on mine kissing me. And damn him he was right,I don't want to stop kissing him. His lips are soft and addictive,the kiss ends to soon as Gellert pulls back smirking at me
"Told you" I lean back into him and re connect our lips. This kiss is more intense than the one before. I find my self being layed down on the sofa,with Gellert slightly laying on top of me.

I run my hands threw his soft platinum blonde hair,only we hear a shout
"Gellert are you here" it is Albus,Gellert pulls back annoyed
"I swear I am going to strangle him,for interrupting us" I giggle at him.We stand up and I make myself presentable from our heated kissing. The library door opens and Albus walks in.
"Ah there you are Gellert"
"Who gave you permission to walk into my home?" Gellert demands
"No one,but this is important. You and Y/n need to hear this."

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