Characters 1 part 5.

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I have taken it upon myself to teach the guys how to use a mobile phone,mainly in an emergency. Out of all the guys only Mort and Willy know what a phone is and only Mort knows how to use one,well Willy kind of does but he doesn't like talking to strangers,but I told him he talks to Jack and no one is stranger than him. I had a landline put into the house and showed the guys how to use it and then brought them each a phone for them to use if they are out and needed me for something.

My favorite part was getting the ten guys to pose for pictures,so I can save them as contact pictures on my phone. Although Jack made me change the picture loads of times because he wasn't happy with it,so Gellert told him he complains again he would freeze him in place and just take the picture that way. Now that the guys are preoccupied with there new phones,I suggested to Gellert that we go and spend sometime together as a couple,in English a date.

After making sure the house has food and drink for the day and my phone is fully charged,we headed out together. Gellert didn't have a phone as he is hardly away from me and didn't need to contact me in case of an emergency. I don't mind Gellert being with me a lot,he is great company. We both agreed we wanted to walk somewhere quiet and out the way,so I took Gellert along the national cycle network,where you can walk, cycle or run along it.

The sun is shinning,the sky is blue and there is not a cloud in the sky,all in all it is a beautiful warm sunny day and it is made even better with my gorgeous boyfriend by my side
"How are you not hot in that black trench coat and leather trousers?" I ask Gellert
"Its quiet simple really" Gellert says
"Is it?" I ask confused.

"Yep,I am a powerful wizard and have used a spell to keep me cool" Gellert says looking down at me
"So if I want to be cool,I have to stay right beside you" I say
"You got it" Gellert tells me
"I have to be near someone who makes me hot,just to stay cool" I say
"Y/n I make you loads of things,and cool is not one of them" Gellert says suggestively. I know full well what he means,but I still couldn't help but blush at his comment.

Gellert's comments about me get more suggestive when it is just the two of us together outside,well I don't want sweet and innocent Edward to hear what Gellert said he wants to do to me and then have to explain what those things mean. I won't have Edward corrupted by such naughtiness,that I love. I calmed down and stayed close to Gellert,he has a arm around my shoulders and I have one around his waist.

As we walked an idea crept into my mind on how to pay Gellert back for that comment
"Hey look at those deer" I say to Gellert,whilst he is distracted by the deer,I pinch Gellert on the backside causing him to jump
"What was that?"
"What was what?" I ask innocently
"Did you just pinch me?" Gellert asks
"No sir,I'm a good girl" I say
"Good girls don't have all those dirty dreams you have about what you would like to do to me and with me" Gellert tells me.

"How did..." I ask
"Mind reading sweetheart" Gellert smirks
"Damn,I forgot you could do that" I say feeling a little bit embarrassed at those dreams which are quite graphic. The mood is interrupted by my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket and see Jacks picture on the screen

 I took it out of my pocket and see Jacks picture on the screen

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