Gellert Grindelwald 14

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I stood looking out the window as the sky slowly turned dark,their is no sunset as the sun hadn't made an appearance today. It had been snowing most of the day and a lot of the time there was too much to even go outside in,so I was stuck indoors all day. I watched as the snow swirled around the windows in the dying light,the door behind me opened and closed and footsteps came closer to me.

"Welcome back gorgeous" I said to Gellert as it is him that had come into the room
"Missed me Y/n?" Gellert asks as he crosses the room to me
"Always and you know it" I say as Gellert wraps his arms around me from behind. Some times Gellert can be a man of few words,especially when he wants something his actions speak louder than words.

Gellert places gentle kisses to the left side of my neck,starting just below the ear and working his way down to my collarbone
"I take it ,you've missed me?" I ask
"I missed every inch of you, but more importantly I missed your intelligence" Gellert said,I look at him over my shoulder
"I said you would" I tell him,before connecting my lips to his.

It wasn't the best angle to kiss at but I just didn't care,Gellert had been away from Nurmengard for a month gathering more followers and since I had been sick I stayed behind. And now that he is back,I can have him all to my self. As we had been kissing Gellert's hands had moved on their own, one to fondle my breasts and the other made its way down to my womanhood.

At first his fingers only teased the sides of my entrance,but I'm to worked up for this
"Gellert please no teasing" I almost beg him,instead of answering Gellert inserted his index finger into my core and began to push it in and out slowly giving me what I wanted. Not to long after Gellert added his middle finger into my pussy and moved them faster
"Cum for me" Gellert whispered into my ear.

His deep voice is laced with arousal, I could tell that he is enjoying this as much as I am. It didn't take me long to finish
"Why are you so much better at that than I am?" I ask Gellert,he pulls his fingers out of me and put them into his own mouth to lick clean
"I'm good at everything I do" Gellert says,I turn around to face him
"Then do me already daddy" I say,as my chest is against his I move my hips slightly and rub against his erection.

An added bonus to being horny and magical is the ability to apperate,it takes time out of going up the stairs. We had barely arrived into our bedroom,when Gellert began to remove my clothes. So I in turn removed his,along the way taking my time to admire him shirtless.
"I want to taste you" I said,Gellert sat on the edge of the bed and I got onto my knees in front of him.

I didn't bother with my hands,instead I took Gellert's cock straight into my mouth and began to suck on it. The noises that came from his mouth are almost feral,which in turn encouraged me to suck him off faster. I moved slightly closer to him so I could fit more of his length into my mouth
"That's it sweetheart, don't stop" Gellert moaned and few seconds later he came shooting his seed down my mouth.

After Gellert came down from his high,I let go of his cock with a wet pop and stood up on shaking legs
"Good girl,get on the bed and open your legs for me" Gellert ordered, his dominant personality always left me weak. I got on the bed and laid down with my legs open,Gellert got over the top of me
"Are you ready Y/n?" He asked
"I'm ready" I said,Gellert held him self up with his left arm and used his right to take ahold of his rock hard cock and push it slowly inside me.

I grunted slightly as his cock pushed my walls further apart, but they soon began to grip onto him
"I love how you fill me up daddy" I said once he is fully inside me
"Be a good slut for daddy and do as you are told" Gellert says, I nod in replie. With that Gellert begins to pull back and then push back into me again at a slow pace to start with.

I reconnect our lips in a passionate kiss,Gellert's tongue pushed into my mouth making me moan. When Gellert started a love bite on my neck,my body was already on fire. I wrapped my legs around Gellert's waist to push him in deeper
"Fuck your pussy feels amazing" Gellert groans picking up his pace,I began a love bite of my own on Gellert's neck,but soon stopped as Gellert moved so he is on the bed.

"Ride me slut" Gellert demands, I didn't often get to ride him,as Gellert is always on top. I placed my hands onto Gellert's chest as he put his hands onto my waist to push me down on his cock more
"Mmm fuck...oh god Gellert you feel so good" I moaned
"Keep going Y/n,I'm so close" Gellert moaned,I moved my hips so Gellert would hit my g spot with each trust.

Gellert's grip on my hips became harder as he flipped us back over so I am under him again
"Holy shit I'm so close" I groaned
"Don't cum yet" Gellert said,he picked up his speed again
"That's it right there, fuck" I moaned
"Cum for me" seconds after Gellert said that,I felt the tightness in my stomach loosen as I climaxed
"Yes Gellert yes" I shouted,my release triggers Gellert's own.

"Oh fuck" Gellert moaned biting my neck as he shot his seed into me,and collapsed on top of me. We just stayed like that for some time catching our breath,eventually Gellert pulled out of me and laid down beside me. I managed to move closer and rest my head onto his chest. We just laid there listening to our silent bedroom that is warm and smelled of sex.

I decided to break the silence
"Did you remember to sound proof the room?" I ask him
"No,did you?" Came the replie
"No"I said,Gellert laughs at that
" I think the whole castle just heard you scream my name"
"You weren't exactly silent your self" I say poking him in the chest
"I don't care who heard" Gellert said looking down at me"It isn't my fault I can get laid and others can't".

"I don't want to know about other people's sex lives or lack of" I say
"Neither did I but people talk" Gellert says shrugging
"More likely you just brought it up to boast" I say
"Maybe" Gellert says smirking
"Typical of you Gellert, any chance to boast and you will"
"As I said before, I'm good at what I do."

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