Johnny Depp 10🎂🎈🍰🎉🍾🎁

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To most people today is just a normal day in June but for me it is my wonderful husband Johnny's birthday. Normally I would have a arranged a great party for Johnny with his close family and friends here,but this year Johnny said he didn't want a party he just wanted to spend the day with me. Of course we still had friends and family stoping by in the days leading up to his birthday to drop off cards and gifts,but today it will be just the two of us.

Even at Johnny's age he is still excited to open his birthday present's and read all the cards he gets from his fans,and there are loads. The two of us are currently sat outside enjoying the sunshine,I am laying down on the grass in our garden and Johnny is sat beside me gently strumming his guitar. I turned my head to look at him, despite focusing on his playing Johnny had to stop every so often to move his long brown hair away from his eyes.
"Need some help there handsome?"I say, Johnny stops playing and looks at me
"What do you have in mind sweetie?"Johnny asks.

I sit up and move so I am sat behind him,I had meant to put his hair up for him but I got sidetracked by just playing with it
"Having fun Y/n?" Johnny asks playing on his guitar again
"Sorry babe,I was meant to put it up for you but your hair is so amazing. I'm jealous"I say running my hands threw his hair
"Don't be jealous sweetheart,your hair is much longer than mine"Johnny said
"Any way back to the task at hand"I say this time actually tying his hair into a lose ponytail.

I stayed sat behind him,I rested my head on his shoulder just enjoying the sound of him doing what he loves most, playing music
"I could listen to you play the guitar for hours"I say to him
"I could keep playing for hours or I have a better idea?" Johnny said
"What's that then my vampire"I asked, Johnny set his guitar down beside him and said
"Come sit infront of me" I got up and did as he asked"Now hold up your arms" I had no idea to what Johnny had in mind but I obeyed anyway.

Johnny the picked his guitar back up and put it into my arms,after placing my arms in the right places he said
"Can you tell what I'm doing yet?"
"You're going to play around me?"I said making Johnny laugh
"Not quite darling,I'm going to teach you to play instead"Johnny said
"That's really sweet of you John,but it's your birthday I'm meant to treat you"I say looking at him over my shoulder
"Oh I know,but think of it this way. On our next anniversary you can play romantically on the guitar to me for a change"Johnny said kissing me on the forehead.

"Why must you be so amazing?"I ask
"I'm not amazing Y/n,I'm just plain old John Christopher Depp ii from Kentucky"Johnny said
"You are the most amazing, wonderful,kind hearted,sweet and generous man I've ever met"I tell him"You are far from plain or old for that matter"
"But beautiful I'm 60,that's old" Johnny says
"Well John have you looked in a mirror recently?"I ask
"Yes when I brushed my hair this morning,you know that"Johnny said.

"Exactly you don't look 60,not even close to it"I tell him,I set his guitar back down and turn around to face him
"You're just saying that..."Johnny went to say but I stopped him
"I'm not just saying it because I'm your wife,it's the honest truth and you know I've never lied to you. And I know you don't see your self as beautiful but you truly are,inside and out"I tell him
"You are too good for me Y/n Depp,I don't deserve a wife like you"Johnny said
"No it is you who is too good for me"I said,I leaned into kiss him on the check but at the last second Johnny moved his head so I kiss him on the lips instead.

Even after the many years of marriage,I still blush and go gooey when ever we kiss. We sit kissing for a few moments,the guitar lay forgotten besides us. Only Johnny pulled back to soon, making me pout from the loss of his lips
"Did you get cake?"he said
"Excuse me"my mind had gone to mush thanks to my gorgeous husband kissing me
"I said I didn't want a birthday party,I didn't say anything about not wanting cake. So did you get me one?"Johnny asked
"Of course I got you a cake,that's the one thing I would never forget"I tell him.

"I should have know,you love cake more than you love me"Johnny said playfully
"Cheeky you know that's not true"I say, tapping him on the nose"Although cake does come a very close second"
"Just promise me you didn't get another Iron Man cake like last year"Johnny said
"Hey that cake was recommended by Tony Stark himself,and when he recommends something you listen"I say
"Rob only suggested it because its was a Iron Man cake" Johnny said standing up and helping me to my feet as well
"Still it was a brilliant cake"I say
"And you would know as you ate nearly all of it"Johnny teased.

"I did not,it was only half"I defended
"That's why I love you Y/n,you have made my life so much better" Johnny said pulling me into a warm hug
"Awww I love you to Johnny"I say kissing his neck"Now about that cake..."

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