Gellert Grindelwald 7 part 5.

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A/n I apologize for the long wait for this part,i couldn't think how to end it.

I glanced at Gellert who takes my hand and moves slightly closer to me,as we watch my approaching 'family'. It seems the talking in the room goes quiet as everyone watches to see what will happen. They come to a stop just before us,before my dad  speaks - Albus says
"Welcome to your daughter's engagement ball."
"Yes S/n will make a fine bride" my mum says
"We have talked about this before, I am not marrying her" Gellert says.

"All of society knows of your engagement to S/n,it's in all the papers" my dad says
"I have not yet announced my engagement to the world" Gellert tells them
"Then get on with it" my sister says
"Very well" Gellert says,as the room is already silent Gellert addresses the room"I have invited you all hear tonight to officially announce my engagement to Miss Y/n L/n" there is a few murmurs as my name is said.

"Hold on,the papers say you're engaged to Miss S/n not Y/n" a middle aged woman says
"They are fake rumors" Gellert says"I was in fact introduced to my fiancée by our shared friend Albus Dumbledore "
"Yes the family wanted me to marry Y/n,but I suggested Gellert as the better match" Albus says "The parents gave Gellert a contact to sing"

"We did no such thing" my mum says
"You did,I was there" I say
"Can you prove your statement Grindelwald?" The towns judge asks Gellert
"Indeed I can" Gellert says, he reaches into a inside pocket of his jacket and pulls out a folded piece of paper,which he hands to the judge. The man reads over the paper,whilst my parents look worried.

"Grindelwald is right,it clearly states here that Mr and Mrs L/n give permission for there daughter Miss Y/n L/n to be engaged to Mr Gellert Grindelwald" the judge confirmed handing back the paper
"Why couldn't you just do as your told and marry S/n"my dad demands of Gellert.

"Well you see L/n,you may control your family but you have no control over me" Gellert tells him
"Mum,dad I can't believe you just humiliated me like that" S/n complained "Now no one will want to marry me" and with that S/n storms off followed by my parents. With the drama of my family over,the ball resumed as normal.

"Well that was fun" Albus says
"I agree,humiliating my parents in front of everyone was fun" I add
"They picked an argument with the wrong man" Gellert says
"Do you think they will now truly leave us alone?" I ask Gellert
"If they are smart enough they won't bother us again" Gellert tells me. And Gellert is right,my parents never contact me again. As far as I know my sister is still unmarried, as for me I am happily married to Gellert and my life is finally the best it has ever been.

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