Willy Wonka and Victor Von Dort.

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It had come to my attention recently that my two best friends that I live with are acting strangely. Well stranger than normal, you see both Willy Wonka and Victor Von Dort are both really laid back guys,they keep to themselves mostly and are both shy. It's reason's like this that I get along with both of them so well. But recently things have become...let's say tense. The two men have begun to argue with eachother,it's often when I'm not there and when I am they pretend that nothing is wrong.

I don't want to pry into anything they are doing,but I am a bit worried. Willy and Victor normally behave like gentlemen but now they are acting more like children. I just don't want it to get to a point where I have to ask Johnny to come and talk to them both.  I just hope that atleast for tomorrow they can both get along nicely
"DONT TOUCH THAT" I hear Willy shout
"DONT LEAVE IT THERE THEN" Victor shouted back
"So much for peace" I think as I head down stairs to see what is going on.

I followed the raised voices and find Willy and Victor in the kitchen,from what I could guess,it looked like Victor had messed up one of Willy's creations. Sighing to myself,I opened the kitchen door and both men immediately fell silent
"What's with the shouting?" I asked, looking from one man to the other
"It's nothing Cocobean,just a misunderstanding" Willy said smiling
"Indeed Y/n" Victor agreed also smiling
"Well whatever is really going on,can you please leave it alone for tomorrow please" I said before leaving the kitchen.

No one's P.O.V

Once Y/n had left the two men looked at eachother worried
"You don't suppose Willy,that our plan to not get along to cover up the suprise party we are planning for Y/n's birthday has got out of hand,do you?" Victor asked
"It's is possible yes" Willy admitted " Perhaps we should work more quietly from now on" and so Willy and Victor continued with there preparation for Y/n's surprise party in quite voices.

Time skip to tomorrow

Y/n's P.O.V

Thankfully the rest of yesterday was quite,at times it seemed too quite. I almost wanted to go back downstairs to see what was going on,but I didn't want to cause another argument between them. Hopefully the guys have remembered it is my birthday today and will be good,if not I'm going to Johnny's,I'm always welcome there.  I made my way downstairs to eat breakfast,when I find the two guys not even awake yet. Makeing the most of the peace,I sit down at the table and eat my cereal in silence. After that I make my way into the living room to open my birthday cards.

Strangely though Willy and Victor are both already in here,they both smile when they see me
"Good morning Y/n" they both say together
"And?" I ask hopefully
"Oh yes,Happy Birthday" Willy said happily
"Happy Birthday Y/n" Victor said
"So you do remember then" I said sitting down on the sofa
"Actually Y/n we do have a confession to make" Victor began
"Oh yes" I said.

"I know it seems that in the past few weeks that,the two of us haven't been getting along" Willy said
"When in truth,we where only doing that as a distraction from what we where really doing" Victor adds
"Which is?" I asked curiously
"Planning a birthday party for you" Willy said
"So that's what all the shouting has been about" I said releaved
"Yes now that I think about it,it wasnt the best plan" Victor admits "We both apologize for our recent behaviour, right Willy?"
"Yes we are both,that word" Willy said.

"You pair of dorks" I said laughing "Only you two and maybe Jack could think up something like this to cover up a suprise party"
"So you're not mad?" Willy asked
"Not anymore no" I said " I appreciate the effort guys"
"We are happy to here it" Victor said
"This will be your best birthday yet."

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