Captain Jack Sparrow 7

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A/n sorry if its not that good.

The sun had set not to long ago on the deserted island,I had been marooned here with Captain Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann. I have no problem being here with Jack,the flirt but Elizabeth is a different matter. I am only here because of my best friend Will Turner asked me to come. Yes I grew up with Will and Elizabeth, but I never got along with the girl.

I sat on the sand looking up at the stars when Jack sat down beside me and offered a bottle to me. I took the bottle uncorked it and drank as Elizabeth joined us
"Should you be drinking Y/n,you embarrassed us all the last time" Elizabeth said
"I didn't embarrass anyone, I was having fun is all" I shrug.

"What happened love?" Jack asks me curious
"Not telling" I say "I'm not drunk enough"
"Let's drink" Jack says

(Several bottles of rum and one drunk song latter)

I sat cuddled into Jack,he has one arm around me and the other around Elizabeth.

"I had a fight" I say breaking the silence
"What love?" Jack asks,I push Jack's arm off Elizabeth and snuggle closer to him
"I got drunk,stole some things and had a fight with some guards" I tell Jack.

"Not to mention you fell down some stairs and got caught and thrown into jail" Elizabeth adds"And the commodore took everything you stole back"
"Not everything" I say holding up a chain from under my shirt,with a gold anchor that has a small skull with red eyes on the front of the pendent

"Not to mention you fell down some stairs and got caught and thrown into jail" Elizabeth adds"And the commodore took everything you stole back""Not everything" I say holding up a chain from under my shirt,with a gold anchor that has a small skull ...

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A/n the necklace.

Jack looked at the pendent and then at me
"The pirate life suits you love" Jack says
"I think so too" I say,tucking the necklace back under my shirt. I see Jack looking at the opening of my shirt"See something you like pirate?"
"Aye" Jack says smirking,I sit up and kiss him on the lips.

Jacks hands find there way to my waist where he lifts me onto his lap,where we continue to make out
"You two are gross" Elizabeth says in disgust, I ignored her though. Jack and I continue to kiss until we fall back onto the sand and pass out. I wake up the next morning still on top of Jack and see Elizabeth is burning all the rum
"I knew there was a reason for me hating that girl."

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