Characters 1 part 3.

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Eventually the lockdown was over and the virus had gone. Things are slowly getting back to normal,I am still living with the ten guys which is fine with me. My problem I have now is my monthly,which is a pain in the insides. I trudged my way down stairs and do some cereal and sat talking to Gellert(yes we are still together)
"Are you alright, my dear?" Gellert asks
"Good enough" I say
"What's up?" Gellert asks concerned
"I am a woman and..." I began
"Ah,I see" Gellert says understanding what I mean.

I sat watching Gellert do some harmless magic,which always fascinated me
"As much as I enjoy you watching me,you are not really focused are you?" Gellert asks,putting his wand away
"I'm fine" I say,wincing in pain
"OK let's go" Gellert says,picking me up and making his way up stairs
"I can walk" I say
"Not today your not,your going to rest" Gellert says. Once up stairs he walks into my room and places me carefully down onto my bed"Now stay put and I will be right back.

I lay there bored as Jack walks past,but stops and says
"What's the matter,love?"
"Gellert has put me on bed rest" I tell him
"Why?Are you with child?" Jack asks
"No numpty,its um woman things" I say,Jack looks confused
"I'll keep you company" Jack says sitting beside me.

Gellert walks back into the room
"What are you doing here,pirate?" He asks Jack
"Just keeping Y/n company,mate" Jack says. Gellert walked around to the other side of my bed and sat down beside me,he handed me a glass of water and some pills for the pain. After taking the pills and putting the glass on the floor,I cuddled into Gellert,who is now lying down beside me
"Oi,what about me?" I hear Jack whine
"Lay down then" I say,I hear him shuffle around and then lay down on the other side of me
"Get some sleep,it will do you some good" Gellert says to me,I lean forward and kiss him
"Where's my kiss?" Jack asks smirking
"OK" I turn over to face Jack,but instead of me kissing him,Gellert slaps him round the back of the head
"Oww" the pirate pouted,and I laughed.

I turn back over and attempt to go to sleep,only I can hear angry whispering
"Will you two be quiet" I say. It goes quite for a few minutes until I hear what sounded like hitting each other. I sigh knowing I was not going to get to sleep with these two,bickering like children. Since they are distracted I turned so I am laying on my back and shoved both Gellert and Jack off the bed,they both landed on the floor with a thud. The wizard and pirate sat up and looked at me
"I told you both about being quiet and you did not listen,so you can both leave" I tell them,they both get up and leave,still shoving each other. I eventually got to sleep.

Time skip

I hear my bedroom door open and someone walk inside,the smell of chemicals filled my nose
"Hello Ichabod" I say,startling the detective,who jumped in fright
"Miss Y/n,you scared me" Ichabod said,I sat up in bed and look at him
"Sorry about that"
"How did you know it was me?" The detective asks,curious
"You smell like chemicals" I say
"Ah,anyway its 2:00pm and I think it's time for you to eat lunch" Ichabod says
"OK,give me ten minutes and I will join you" I say. After the detective left,I changed out of my pyjamas and brushed my hair. I walked out of my room and walked down stairs with Ichabod.

We sat in the kitchen talking as Ichabod made me a sandwich. We are half way threw talking about Ichabod's latest invention, when the kitchen door opened and Tarrant walks in
"Y/n hello,so good to see you again"
"I was only sleeping, Tar" I tell him
"I know,but it is still good to see you" Tarrant says smiling
"Where are the bicker twins?" I ask
"The pirate with the nice hat and the wizard who refuses a hat,went for a walk" Tarrant tells me"I wish he would let me make him a hat"
"Grindelwald doesn't wear hats,it messes his perfect hair" Ichabod says
"Is that a hint of sass,I hear Mr Crane?" I smirk at Ichabod, who blushes. As if on que the door opens and Gellert and Jack walk in as Tarrant and Ichabod leave.

"So what do you two have to say for your selves?" I ask them
"We have talked things over" Jack began
"And we realised, we should have been looking after you,not arguing" Gellert adds
"And we are sorry" the pirate and wizard say together
"Well that's good to hear" I say,I stand up and walk over to them and hug both of them"If you are both good we can go and see some friends tomorrow, if you would like"I say
"How good is good?" Gellert asks
"Oh,you will find out" I smirk at them,Gellert and Jack share a nervous look.

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