Characters 1(part 2).

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A/n warning mentions of Avengers Endgame,but not in detail. And I gave some of the guys nicknames.

One of the more complicated things about being in lockdown,is finding something new to do each day. Space is not the concern,having a powerful wizard around meant he could make the inside of the house bigger,like the T.A.R.D.I.S,bigger on the inside. Whilst the guys are busy,I decided to watch a couple of movies. I had been meaning to watch them,but had not yet Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. The next few hours are going to be hard.

I am just setting up to watch Infinity War,when Edward walked into the room
"Hey,Edward" I greet
"Hi" he replied shyly,even though we are good friends Edward is still shy
"Can I join you?" Edwards asks
"Of course you can" I say,I sat on a sofa as Ed sat on the floor. Part of the way into the movie,Tonto and Barney joined us watching the movie. By the time Infinity War is done all ten of the guys are in the room. Ed,Tonto,Barney and Mort are sat on the floor. Tarr,Willy,Ichabod and Jack are sat on one sofa and I am sat between Gellert and Sweeny on the other sofa.

"Is there more to this movie?" Tonto asks
"Yes,Endgame" I say" gets quiet sad"
"I wonder how many of these babies will cry" Sweeny smirks. I know he meant Willy,Tarr,Ed and Ichabod they are sensitive guys. Jack is the loud one,Tonto and Mort are the silent type and Barney,Sweeny and Gellert are the old fashioned gentlemen type,but Gellert and Sweeny are the more cold"I don't have feelings "type,but underneath their cold outside,they are big softies,well they are to me.

By the time Endgame is over,the room is silent.Ed,Tonto, Barney and Mort are in shock,Tarr,Willy and Ichabod are all comforting each other. Jack is speechless for the first time,Gellert and Sweeny are expressionless and me...well I'm crying. I'm one of those people that cry when there favorite character dies.(A/n true story).

"How is everyone feeling" Mort asks
"I think we can all agree,that we won't be watching that movie again,for a long time" Jack said,the normally loud pirate is quite. Everyone is in agreement, we all go and do our separate things,every one is emotional. I headed outside to get fresh air. The night is warm and the sun is just going down,and the first few stars are coming out.

I lost track of time outside,I hear the backdoor open and footsteps approach
"Are you alright,Y/n?"it is Gellert, I glance at the wizard as he is stood beside me
"I'm fine" I say,looking back at the sky
"The guys became concerned,when you didn't come back in" he says
"The guys?" I ask
"Okay,I'm mainly worried. You have been out here for two hours" Gellert informs me
"Sorry about that,I lost track of time" I tell him"You know it's okay to say that you are the concerned one,no one will judge you"
"I think the barber would" Gellert says looking down at me
"Nah,we are all in this together. We have to support each other" I say,looking up at Gellert,he smiled at me"See I said I could get you to smile".

Next day.

As I walked past Mort's room,I could have sworn I saw him hide something. It was only on the way back past,after going to the loo that I saw what he is doing
"Morton Rainey,you better not be smoking" I say storming into the room
"I'm not smoking, Y/n" Mort says nervous
"You can't lie to me Mort" I say crossing my arms
"I'm not lying" Mort says
"Fine then,we will do this the hard way" I tell him"GELLERT,COULD YOU COME HERE"Mort fidgets as Gellert enters the room
"You called for me,my dear" the platinum blond says
"Yes,Mort has smokes in here,can you find them" I ask. Gellert takes out his wand,and seconds later a box of smokes fly's out of Mort's desk and into his hand.

"There not mine" Mort lies,I roll my eyes at him
"Chew gum" I say
"Doesn't Wonka hate gum?" Gellert asks
"Yeah,but I mean special gum for smokers" I tell him"Come on Mort,we are going to get you gum"
"No,damn it" Mort groans,putting his head on his desk
"Reverse psychology,gets him every time" I say smug,and to my surprise Gellert burst out laughing "Ha I made you laugh,two victories and its not even lunch".

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